About the Corporate
Responsibility Report
This is the eighth time that
has published its Corporate Re-
sponsibility Report as part of the Annual Report, detailing its commit-
ments in matters of sustainability from an economic, social and environ-
mental perspective.
This year the Report has gone one step further in the quality of the con-
tent and transparency and has followed the current trends in reporting,
looking in more depth at some of the content recommended by the in-
ternational framework for preparing Integrated Reports (Integrated Re-
porting, IR) developed by the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting
With this objective, the Group's strategic areas have been dealt with in
greater detail, greater importance has been given to the management
and control of risks and there has been a particularly in-depth look at the
evolution of the Company, including various first-person accounts from
representatives of the different stakeholders with which
Coverage and scope
: For the second consecutive year, the report follows
the criteria established by the G4 guide from the Global Reporting Initia-
tive (GRI) in its comprehensive version, and has been verified by an exter-
nal and independent organisation (Aenor). It has also taken into account
the GRI Media Sector Supplement in its development.
The contents included in the report refer to the period between 1 Jan-
uary 2014 and 31 December of the same year and cover the activities
of the different companies forming
Atresmedia Televisión
Atresmedia Radio
Atresmedia Publicidad
Atresmedia Digital
dia Diversificación
Atresmedia Cine
Fundación Atresmedia
). The
information disclosed takes into account the Group's analysis of materi-
ality and under no circumstances are there any intentional omissions of
relevant content.
Any variations in terms of the scope and coverage of the information are
noted in the corresponding section of the report. Likewise, any changes
to the formulas used for calculating the data provided are reported.
: The materiality of the content of this report has been deter-
mined from
's own analysis and the information received from
its stakeholders through the different communication channels estab-
lished, such as the discussions held and a survey for this purpose, along
with the other channels that are explained in the 'Corporate Responsibil-
ity' section of the report.
All relevant material aspects have been analysed to identify how they cor-
respond to the specific content and indicators in the GRI G4 guide, select-
ing those sections that truly respond to the interests of the stakeholders
and the strategy of
. Other sections from G4 have also been
voluntarily included since these, without being relevant to the organisa-
tion, contribute to increasing the transparency and understanding of the
company's activity.
G4-18, G4-22, G4-23