As in the case of other audiovisual communication service providers, a single company has been
contracted toprovide the servicesof carrying, supportingandbroadcasting the television signal. Any
failure in these services could have a negative impact on the Company’s activity. Nonetheless,
regardless of the guarantees provided under the contract for services, no lasting incidences with
significant adverseeffectshavebeen recorded todate throughout theyearsof the relationship.
With respect to risks deriving from information systems and broadcasting process infrastructure,
strict hardware and software security measures, as well as contingency and business continuity
plans, havebeenestablishedwitha view to facingunforeseeneventsof a varied sourceandnature.
Likewise, redundancies exist in key systems andapplications tomitigateanypotential risks regarding
such systems.
There is an IT security department in charge of defining the applicable procedures, which
periodicallyperforms various securityauditswitha view to verifying compliancewith theModel.
Security measures have also been stipulated for the technical means of broadcasting the signal to
ensure its compliancewith the establishedparameters. For this reason redundant equipment exists
and preventive tests are carried out on both sets of equipment on amonthly basis. There are also
maintenance contracts for all thenecessarybroadcastingequipment, aswell as for other production
and information systems equipment.
Financial risks
One of the main financial risks of the Group is that of the evolution of the exchange rate, since a
significant percentageof thepurchaseof broadcasting rights ismade inUSdollars.
The currency exchange risk ismanaged from the Cash area of the AtresmediaGroup. Depending on
the payment schedule drawn up on the basis of the information furnished by the different areas
involved and by the rights management systems, the relevant hedging is established through
forward currency purchases or by using transactions with derivatives which lead to closed risk
Integrity risks
Atresmedia has sufficient and effective control procedures to minimise the probability of fraud,
illegal conduct and unauthorised uses of assets, as well as to avoid the quantitative and qualitative
effect they couldhaveon resources, the reputationand the imageof theGroup’s trademarks.
Information risks in thedecision-makingprocess
These risks may be classified as operational, financial and strategic depending on the impact that
could arise from using incomplete, distorted or erroneous information when making decisions in
relation to thoseaspects.
The Atresmedia Group has mechanisms for measuring the most significant indicators and
magnitudes of the business, with a view to making quick and efficient decisions on all business
processes and on quantifiable aspects relating to its strategy and to its financial structure and
With respect to the protection of assets, the Group’s policy is to take out insurance policies to
provide sufficient coverage for the possible risks to which the various assets are subject.
Transportation, business interruption, civil liability in various areas, life, accident andhealth risks are
also coveredby insurance.
Reputational risks
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