It is reported in section C.1.29 that in 2013, nine Board of Directors' meetings were held. It should be
added that in 2013 theBoard adoptedwritten resolutionswithout convening ameeting, on20December
2013; suchagreementswere included in theCompany'sMinutes Book.
In relation to the information included in sectionC.1.39, theaudit firm is indicated tobeArthur Andersen,
S.L. -whichmergedwithDeloitte, S.L.-, it hadpreviouslyperformed theauditwork for fiveyears.
The Companymay also indicatewhether it has voluntarily adhered to other codes of ethical principles or
good practices, be they international, sectoral or of another scope. Where appropriate, the code in
questionwill be identified, togetherwith theadhesiondate.
TheCompanyhas voluntarilyadhered to various sectoral self-regulation codes.
Themain codes adhered to includemost notably:
Radio Self-RegulationCode (January2013)
Codeof Conduct onGamingActivityCommercial Communication (2012)
PAOS: Self-regulationCodeon theAdvertisingof FoodstuffsAimedatMinors,
preventionofObesityandHealth (inclusionof televisionoperators in2010)
Self-RegulationCodeon theAdvertisingof Children's Toys (modified in2010)
Self-RegulationCodeon theAdvertisingof Brewers in Spain (2009)
Self-RegulationCodeonWine (2009)
Self-RegulationCodeon SMSs (2009)
Spanish FederationonSpirit Drinks (FEBE): Self-RegulationCodeof theSpanishFederationon
SpiritDrinks (FEBE) (2006)
This Annual Corporate Governance Report was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at its meeting
Indicatewhether anydirectorshavevotedagainst or abstainedwith respect to theapproval of this Report.
Yes No
Nameor companynameof thedirectorwhohasnot
voted in favour of approving this report
Reasons (opposition,
abstention, non-
Explain the reasons
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