On the other hand, all control procedures were established with respect to negotiating processes,
burden of the advertising purchase on the systems, verification of broadcasting, valuation of
advertising slots and billing and collection, with a view to avoiding a loss of revenue and ensuring
compliancewith thepolicies and standardsof the sales and financial area.
Programme production: All the production projects are analysed, approved and developed in
accordancewithaprogramming strategy, basedonanexhaustive analysis of expectations, audience
objectives and commercial retakes.
Inorder tominimize thenegative impact of the possibility of programs not functioning satisfactorily
in terms of audience and commercials, inherent in the programming activity, pilot programs are
produced and viewer and advertiser expectations are studied with a view to tailoring the final
product as much as possible to these needs. Standards are also established for contracting terms
and conditions to be used by those in charge with a view to avoiding unforeseen losses and
In this connection, procedures exist with an adequate segregation of functions in negotiation,
approval of contracts with producers and production orders, in the economic terms associated
therewithwithauthorisation levels in the contract processes.
Acquisition of broadcasting rights: Broadcasting rights, which generally have a multi-year
projection and validity, are acquired after the required studies have beenmade of general trends
and specific programming projections, product suitability, broadcasting capacity, audience
estimates, consistencywith television channel targets, pricing trends andauthorisedbudgets.
This entails specific rules and a suitable segregation of functions in negotiation, the approval of
acquisitions and framework agreements with distributors and the management of this type of
Purchases and contracts in general: The Group has designed a corporate system for processing
contracting and investment proposals, which permits the electronic organisation and
documentation of procedures for filling out contracting applications, their estimates and their
authorisation, making themmore transparent and clearer, eliminating the circulation of hard copy
with confidential and sensitive information, anticipating knowledge regarding purchases and
investments so as to prepare a better plan, quantifying undertakings assumed in contracting
processesmorequickly, classifying in anorderlymanner all purchaseprocesses and contracts still to
be authorised or executed and, in short, have the work flow followed by the documents and the
controls applied thereto. Likewise, a procedure has been established to approve any
purchase/investmentmadewithin theGroup.
Occupational health and safety risks: The company has an occupational risk prevention service
which coversnot only risks deriving from facilities but also thosederiving from thevarious jobs.
The prevention service depends on the Prevention and Medical Services Department, which is in
charge of defining occupational risks, classifying them by position and establishing the control
measures necessary for reducing them. It also performs periodic evaluations to determinewhether
the controlmeasures definedarebeingapplied.
- Risks relating to technology and information systems Technological risks includemost notably
those relating to information systems (since the various activities of the Atresmedia Group are
highly dependent on IT systems and on the technical elements associatedwith the production and
broadcasting of the audiovisual content), and those relating to the broadcasting of the signal
(guaranteeing that the technical conditions of the signal complywith the parameters established in
the technical provisions applicable to thebroadcastingmedium).
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