Group category to which the Company belongs, level of professional devotion, experience and qualifications
required by the directors and activity sector.
Differences between the remuneration of executive directors and that of other directors who do not
perform this type of function, but who also provide other professional services to the Company, of
particular significance.
Additional variable remuneration tied to the Company's economic results may be included for executive
directors and occasionally for directors who carry out other different functions or who are advisers with a
stable professional relationship.
In the event the director is a legal entity, remuneration is received by the company holding such position.
As regards the relative significance of variable remuneration with respect to fixed remuneration, maximum variable
remuneration (which accrues annually and is tied to the obtainment of the Atresmedia Group's global economic
targets) is 80% of the fixed salary of the director receiving it: 50% of the incentive is paid on accrediting compliance
with the annual target, and the other 50% in two years, provided that the director continues to provide his/her
services at the Group, since that additional percentage is tied to the loyalty building, seniority and personal
commitment of the director vis-à-vis the Company's long-term targets.
Variable remuneration depends solely on the Group's economic results and involves a maximum percentage of the
director's fixed salary. Accordingly, unforeseen variations are impossible.
A.2 Information on the preparatory work and the decision-making process to be followed to determine the
remuneration policy and the role performed, where appropriate, by the Remuneration Committee and other control
bodies in the establishment of the remuneration policy. This information will include, where appropriate, the term of
office granted to the Remuneration Committee, its breakdown and the identity of the external advisers the services
of which were used to define the remuneration policy. Likewise, the type of director that, where appropriate, has
intervened in the definition of the remuneration policy will be identified.
In conformity with article 25.10 of the Board of Directors' Regulations, the Appointments and Remuneration
Committee proposes the following to the Board of Directors: (a) The remuneration policy of directors and senior
executives (b) The individual remuneration of the executive directors and the remaining conditions of their contracts
(c) The basic conditions of the senior executive contracts. It also ensures compliance with the remuneration policy
and informs the Board of the Annual Directors’ Remuneration Report (DRR).
External advisers have not been recruited to define and develop the general remuneration policy.
This policy was approved by the Board of Directors, upon the proposal of the Appointments and Remuneration
Committee, which ensures that it is line with market conditions, the activity sector and with the directors'
professional profiles, having also considered the degree of devotion required for each position, the level of
responsibility assumed and the professional experience and qualifications required in order to implement such policy.
The breakdown of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee is as follows:
Deputy Chairman:
Mr. Nicolas de Tavernost
(Non-executive significant shareholder-appointed director)
Mr. Mauricio Casals Aldama
(Non-executive significant shareholder-appointed director)
Ms. Aurora Catá Sala
(Independent director)
Ms. María Entrecanales Franco
(Independent director)
Ms. Patricia Estany Puig
Independent director)
Mr. Manuel de la Viuda Fdez. de Heredia
(Secretary to the Board)
A.3 Indicate the amount and the type of the fixed components, with a breakdown, where appropriate, of the
remuneration for the performance of functions of the senior management of the executive directors, of the additional
remuneration as chairman or member of any Board committee, of the allowances for participation on the Board and
its committees or other fixed remuneration as director, as well as an estimate of the annual fixed remuneration
arising. Identify other benefits that are not paid in cash and the fundamental parameters for which they are granted.