annual remuneration, nor can they exercise the options or rights until at least three years have
elapsed since they were allocated.
The foregoing will not apply to shares the director must dispose of, where applicable, to meet the
costs related with their acquisition.
Not applicable.
Contractual agreements must include a clause enabling the Company to claim the refund of the
remuneration's variable components when payment has not been adjusted to performance
conditions or when they have been paid in line with data the inaccuracy of which is subsequently
Payments for termination of the agreement do not exceed an established amount equivalent to two
years’ total annual remuneration, which is not paid until the Company has been able to verify that the
director has complied with the previously established performance criteria.
Please briefly detail any significant matter existing with respect to corporate governance at the
Company or at Group entities not included in the other sections of this report, but which is required to
include more complete, founded information on the Entity or Group's governance practices and
This section may include any other disclosure, clarification or qualification in relation with the previous
sections of the report, insofar as they are significant and not repeated.
Specifically, indicate whether the Company is subject to legislation other than Spanish legislation in the
area of corporate governance and, where appropriate, include the information that must be provided
that is different from that required in this report.
1 and 2 See Appendix to this section.
The Company may also indicate whether it has voluntarily adhered to other codes of ethical principles
or good practices, be they international, sectoral or of another scope. Where appropriate, the code in
question will be identified, together with the compliance date. In particular, state whether the
Company has complied with the Best Tax Practices Code, dated 20 July 2010.
The Company has voluntarily complied with various sectoral self-regulation codes.
The main codes complied with include most notably:
Code of Conduct on Gaming Activity Commercial Communication (2012)
PAOS: Self-Regulation Code on the Advertising of Foodstuffs aimed at Minors, the Prevention
of Obesity and Health (inclusion of television operators in 2010).
Self-Regulation Code on the Advertising of Children's Toys (modified in 2010)
Self-Regulation Code on the Advertising of Brewers in Spain (2009)
Self-Regulation Code on Wine (2009)
Spanish Federation of Spirit Drinks (FEBE): Self-Regulation Code of the Spanish Federation of
Spirit Drinks (FEBE) (2006)
The Company does not comply with the Best Tax Practices Code but it has a corporate tax policy that
has been approved by the Board of Directors and a Procedural Protocol regarding Particularly
Significant Tax Transactions, approved by the Regulatory Compliance Committee, which includes the
best tax practices and principles applied by Atresmedia in this area.
This Annual Corporate Governance Report was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at its
meeting on 24 February 2016.
Indicate whether any directors have voted against or abstained with respect to the approval of this Report.
No X