The objectives of the corporate social responsibility policy and the development of support
The corporate strategy related with sustainability, the environment and social matters.
The specific practices in matters related with: shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, social
issues, environment, diversity, tax liability, human rights and the prevention of illegal conduct.
The monitoring methods or systems for the results of the application of specific practices
indicated in the foregoing letter, the associated risks and their management.
The supervision mechanisms for non-financial risk, ethics and business conduct.
Communication, participation and dialogue channels with the groups of interest.
Responsible communication practices avoiding informative manipulation and protecting
integrity and honour.
In a separate document or in the directors' report, the Company must notify the matters related with
corporate social responsibility, using some of the internationally accepted methodologies in this
Directors' remuneration must be sufficient to attract and retain directors with the desired profile and
to remunerate the devotion, eligibility and responsibility demanded by the post, but not so high as to
compromise the independent judgement of the non-executive directors.
Executive directors should only be paid variable remuneration tied to Company and personal
performance, as well as that comprising the delivery of shares, share options or rights on shares or
instruments linked to share value and long-term savings systems such as pension plans, retirement
systems or other social welfare systems.
The delivery of shares can be considered as remuneration to non-executive directors when they are
obliged to retain them until the end of their tenure. The foregoing will not apply to shares the
director must dispose of, where applicable, to meet the costs related with their acquisition.
Atresmedia Corporación’s remuneration policy envisages the payment of variable remuneration -
tied to the Group’s economic results or to the director’s personal performance- to executive and
non-executive directors, provided that they perform significant functions in the Company’s interests
or are advisers of the Atresmedia Group, with an outstanding regular professional relationship. In
2015, the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting approved this remuneration policy, which was
included in the Annual Directors’ Remuneration Report, by a consultative vote, and it will remain in
force until 2017, unless expressly amended.
In this regard, it should be indicated that the exceptional professional profile of certain Atresmedia
directors is especially suitable -and objectively irreplaceable- to perform specific tasks or regular
activities for the Company's benefit, especially in the audiovisual or regulatory advisory, institutional
relationship and publishing strategy areas, and with respect to representation before public
authorities, groups of interest and business associations, etc. The criteria of the current remuneration
policy is that this exceptional devotion also justifies adequate varied remuneration, whose
transparency is guaranteed through the information supplied in the Annual Remuneration Report.
Such information is in line with the importance of the work effectively performed by the director for
the Company’s benefit and, where appropriate, it also responds to the measurement of personal
performance and the advantages thereof for Atresmedia.