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Define the possible business relations between the Parent and the listed subsidiary, and between

the latter and the other Group companies

Identify the mechanisms envisaged to resolve the possible conflicts of interest between the listed

subsidiary and the other Group companies:

Mechanisms to resolve the possible conflicts of interest




Explain the scope of the Company's Risk Management System, including tax contingencies:

The Atresmedia Group has a Risk Management and Control System that is frequently reviewed and

updated based on the Group's business performance, the materialisation of risks, regulatory novelties

and the evolution of the organisation itself.

It is a tool to assist in Management decision-making and to efficiently address the risks, through the

identification and implementation of controls and action plans for the risks identified, thereby

improving the capacity to generate value, and minimising the impact of the materialisation of risks.

Risk analysis and control affects all the Group's activities, and involves all organisational units. It is

therefore a corporate system in which the whole organisation participates, that must be managed by

the Board of Directors, with the functions granted in this regard to the Audit and Control Committee,

with the coordination and participation of the Regulatory Compliance Committee and of the Legal

Advisory, Internal Audit, Process Control and Financial areas.

The System’s main aim is to identify risks, perform frequent assessments and to define and apply

specific control procedures to mitigate such risks.

The main objectives of the Atresmedia Group are as follows:


System coherence and homogeneity: assuring uniformity in the definition, identification and

measurement of risks in all Group businesses.


Internal control corporate environment: the controls are applied by their heads in line with

their test frequency. Their effectiveness is measured, reflecting the result in documentary



On-going evaluation and improvement: improving the System through the assessment of

the control design, and frequently identifying new potential risks, defining and implementing

the controls required for these new risks.


Define and notify Policies, Protocols and Procedures: the notification and management tool

for the business areas of the different Group companies, offering the managers and users

the internal guidelines and indications of the Group’s different control and governing bodies:

The Board of Directors, Audit and Control Committee, Regulatory Compliance Committee

and the Internal Audit and Process Control Division.


Regulatory Compliance: ensuring compliance with all prevailing regulations applicable to the

different Group activities.

Based on the general objectives defined for Atresmedia’s Risk Management and Control System,

following is a definition of its key components:


Definition of targets: annually reviewing and setting new targets for the Group and for each

of its business units, as well as an acceptable risk level, based on the Group’s overall

strategy and on internal and external events identified.


Internal control environment: frequently performing a re-assessment of the System to verify,

on the one hand, the manner in which Group employees perceive risks, and checking the

efficiency and functioning of the controls reducing the risks and the development of action

plans and, on the other hand, reviewing the procedural environment. In turn, an assessment

is performed of the effectiveness and design of the controls implemented in order to put