2015 has been another good year for
. Helped by
the economic upturn and despite the challenges that we are
constantly facing, once again this year we demonstrated the
strength of our position in the market, the power of our way of
understanding the business and our ability to generate value. In
the most difficult times we rightly laid some strong foundations
that are allowing us, now that the recovery is in evidence, to
boost our growth and face the future with optimism.
We have a product that is both recognised and recognisable
thanks to its quality and attributes, one that is commercially
attractive and scarce because very few are in a position to offer
the market a multi-format product that is this broad, powerful
and comprehensive. All of this is part of a global plan based on
diversity as a differentiating value, a plan that makes our
unique in the sector. This strategic vision is possibly one of the
greatest legacies left to us by
José Manuel Lara Bosch
from the CEO
Silvio González
In the most
difficult times
we rightly laid
some strong
that are
allowing us,
now that the
recovery is
in evidence,
to boost our
growth and face
the future with