Cuentas Anuales Individuales_Atresmedia - page 66

"Current Payables” includes the balances relating to cash surpluses managed by the Company on
behalf of its Group companies and the balances payable to them relating to income tax.
The sale of television advertising services has been managed by the Group company Atres
Advertising, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder Company) since its incorporation. On 1 April 2010, Atresmedia
Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. decided to begin billing the aforementioned service
from Atres Advertising, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder Company), in line with the most widely used sales
model in the television advertising industry. Accordingly, Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de
Comunicación, S.A. invoices this Group company for the sale of advertising space and Atres
Advertising, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder Company) bills the end customers.
The accounts receivable from and payable to the companies in which the investments held are
intended to be realised or settled at short term were taken into account in order to estimate the
net asset value and to consider the total risk associated with Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de
Comunicación, S.A.’s investments in these companies.
The Company centrallymanages its cash and the cash of its subsidiaries (see Note 21.5).
21.3Remunerationof directors and senior executives
The remuneration earned in 2013 by the current and former members of the Company’s Board of
Directors (composed of two women and eleven men) in the form of salaries, attendance fees and
life insurance premiums amounted to EUR 5,538 thousand, EUR 680 thousand and EUR 15
thousand, respectively. In 2012 this remuneration amounted to EUR 3,447 thousand, EUR 778
thousand and EUR 16 thousand, respectively.
In 2013 remuneration in the form of salaries and life insurance premiums of senior executives who
are not directors amounted to EUR 6,231 thousand and EUR 27 thousand, respectively (2012: EUR
4,230 thousand and EUR 25 thousand, respectively).
The Company has not granted any loans or advances to its Board members or senior executives
and it does not have any supplementary pension, retirement bonus, special indemnity or life
insurance obligations to them in their capacity as directors and executives.
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