Cuentas Anuales Individuales_Atresmedia - page 22

Comparative information
The information relating to 2013 contained in these notes to the financial statements is presented,
for comparison purposes, with the information for 2012.
Groupingof items
Certain items in the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity and
statement of cash flows are grouped together to facilitate their understanding; however, whenever
the amounts involved are material, the information is broken down in the related notes to the
financial statements.
Changes in accountingpolicies
In 2013 there were no significant changes in accounting policies with respect to those applied in
Correctionof errors
In preparing the accompanying financial statements no significant errors were detected that would
havemade it necessary to restate the amounts included in the financial statements for 2012.
Effect of not consolidating
The Company is the majority shareholder of certain companies and has ownership interests equal
to or exceeding 20% in the share capital of other companies (see Note 9). The separate financial
statements at 31 December 2013 do not reflect the increases in the value of the Company’s
ownership interests in these companies which would arise from fully consolidating majority
ownership interests and accounting for investments in associates using the equity method.
Pursuant to current legislation, the Company prepared consolidated financial statements
separately in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
In 2013 the main aggregates in the consolidated financial statements are as follows: total assets
EUR 1,261 million; equity EUR 384 million; revenue EUR 796 million; and profit for the year EUR
3.- Distributionof profit
The proposed distribution of the profit for the year that the Company's directors will submit for
approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting is as follows (in thousands of euros):
To voluntary reserves
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