on first summons
Quorum required
on second
Descriptionof thedifferences
Indicateand, whereapplicable, givedetails onanydifferenceswith respect to the systemestablished
under the SpanishCompanies Law regarding theadoptionof corporate resolutions:
Yes No X
Describe the differences which arise with respect to the system established under the Spanish
Companies Law.
Reinforcedmajorityother than that
established inarticle201.2of the
SpanishCompanies Law formatters
regulatedunder article194.1of the
SpanishCompanies Law
Other casesof reinforced
%establishedby theEntity to
adopt resolutions
Describe thedifferences
Indicate the regulations governing changes in theCompany'sArticles of Association. Inparticular, the
majorities envisaged to amend the Articles of Association and, where appropriate, the regulations
foreseen toprotect the rights of shareholders in theamendment of theArticles of Associationwill be
Changing the Company’s Articles of Association is the exclusive competency of the General
Shareholders’ Meeting (article 16.6 of the Company's Articles of Association), governed by articles
285 to345of theSpanishCompanies Law,withno specialisation.
The following requirements areestablishedby Law:
That the directors, or, when appropriate, the shareholders who drafted the proposal,
prepareawritten report justifying suchproposal.
That the scope of the changes that must be made are clearly explained at the General
That in theannouncement of theGeneralMeeting, all shareholders arenotifiedof their right
to examine the entire text relating to the proposed change at the Company's registered
offices, as well as the report on such change, and to request the handing over or free
deliveryof saiddocuments.
That the resolution be adopted at the General Shareholders’ Meeting, in accordance with
articles194and201of theSpanishCompanies Law.
In all cases, the resolution will be recorded in a public deed that will be filed in the Mercantile
Register, and itwill bepublished, once filed, in theOfficial Bulletinof theMercantileRegister.
Provide attendance data on the Shareholders' Meetings held during the year to which this report
refers, and that of theprecedingyear'smeetings:
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...67
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