members of the European Economic Area, on the entry into force of this Law, the total percentage
held in the share capital of the television audiovisual media serviceprovidermust be less than50%
at all times.
5. No natural or legal person may acquire significant holdings or voting rights in more than one
televisionaudiovisualmedia serviceprovider:
a) When national audiovisual media service providers accumulate rights of use over the
radioelectric public domain which, as a whole, are greater than the technical capacity of two
multiplex channels.
b) When autonomous community audiovisual media service providers accumulate rights of use
over the radioelectric public domainwhich, as awhole, are greater than the technical capacity of a
multiplex channel.
c) No natural or legal person or participant in the share capital of a national television audiovisual
media service provider may acquire significant holdings or voting rights in the capital of another
provider of the same service, where this would prevent the existence of at least three different
private national television audiovisual media service providers, thus ensuring respect for pluralism
of information.
Indicate whether the Shareholders' Meeting has resolved to adopt neutralization measures with
regard toa takeover bidunder Law6/2007.
Yes No X
If so, explain the measures approved and the terms under which the restrictions would become
Indicatewhether theCompanyhas issued securitieswhicharenot tradedon regulatedEUmarkets.
YesX No
Where appropriate, indicate the different classes of shares and, for each class of shares, the rights
andobligations conferred.
The class B shares identified in section A.1 do not generate entitlement to receive dividends with a
charge to the profits earned by the Company in the 24months following the date of registration of
themerger of Atresmedia Corporación and La Sexta in theMadridMercantile Register, regardless of
thedateonwhich theyaredistributed, that is, theprofits earneduntil 31October 2014.
These shares are not traded on any regulated market. At the appropriate time, the admission to
listing of these shares on the same markets as the remaining shares forming the share capital of
AtresmediaCorporaciónwill be requested.
Indicate and, where applicable, give details as to whether there are any differences with respect to
the minimum standards established under the Spanish Companies Law with respect to the
constitutionquorumof the Shareholders'Meeting.
Yes No X
%quorumdifferent to that
stipulated inarticle193of the
SpanishCompanies Law for
general cases
%quorumdifferent to that stipulated in
article194of theSpanishCompanies Law
for the special casesof article194of the
SpanishCompanies Law
Quorum required
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,...67
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