Ms. AuroraCatáSala
Aurora is an Industrial Engineer and has an MBA from the Institute of Higher Business
Studies (IESE). She began her professional career in the financial sector, first at Bank of
America and, subsequently, as Financial Director at NissanMotor Ibérica until 1996, when
she assumed the General Management of RTVE in Catalonia. Following this stage, she
occupied thepost of Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Planeta 2010, andwas theDirector General
of Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación from 2003 until the acquisition of Recoletos by RCS,
at which time she assumed the General Management of Unidad Editorial Sociedad de
Revistas and theDevelopment Areaof theRCSGroup in Latam. Shehas beenamember of
various Boards of Directors of companies linked to the telecommunications and
audiovisual industries. She joined Seeliger & Conde in 2008 as a Partner responsible for
Media Practice. She is currently an independent Director at ABANTIA. She has had a seat
on the Executive Committees of various institutions in economic and social fields, the
InstituteofHigher Business Studies (IESE) and theCírculodeEconomía, amongothers.
Nameor companynameof director
Ms.MaríaEntrecanales Franco
Chairwoman and co-founder of the Balia Foundation for Infancy formed in 2001, which
was awarded the IMPULSA prize in 2011, granted by the Girona Prince Foundation, and
the UNICEF Spain 2010 prize for its volunteer network. María has a Law degree from the
ComplutenseUniversity, aMaster'sDegree in International Law from the London School of
Economics (with Honours) and aMaster's Degree in the functional management of NGOs
from ESADE obtained in2000. Sheworked for four years in the law firm 'Araoz Rueda' and
has experience in the business field. She currently combines her work in the Balia
Foundation with business initiatives. She is the co-founder of the Lateral chain. She is a
member of the Advisory Committee of the Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum and of
the Advisory Board of SOS Kinderdorf Spain. She was on the Jury for the Codespa
Foundation awards in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 , on the Jury for the
Fundación Empresa y Sociedad awards in 2007 and on the Jury for the Infancy awards of
the Madrid Autonomous Community in 2008. She is a patron of the Antonio Nebrija
University. She frequently takes part in round tables and conferences related with the
world of the third sector in institutions such as La Caixa, Esade, Carrefour, the Eduardo
Baneiros Foundation, etc. En 2011, she received the Spanish national executive woman's
prize in the category of Solidarity and Humanitarian Action delivered by Estrategia
Nameor companynameof director
Mr. PedroRamónyCajal Agüeras
Chairman of the Partners' Board of the Ramón y Cajal law firm. He is a State Attorney on
leaveof absence, and is currently the Secretary to theBoardofDirectorsof IndraSistemas,
S.A. andRenta4Banco, S.A.
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