Message from the Chief Executive Officer

As we look back on 2023, I would like to start by sharing my pride and gratitude for all the successes we have achieved, thanks to the support and trust of our shareholders, as well as the hard work of all of us at Atresmedia. Following the trend seen in recent years, in 2023 we reported record results, making us once again the undisputed leader across all of our business segments and cementing our position, for the second year running, as the leading media group in terms of audience share in Spain.
In tandem, we have maintained and even stepped up our firm commitment to viewers, listeners, users and advertisers by demonstrating on a daily basis our proven ability to offer quality content, generate value —both economic and social— and in doing so help to achieve greater levels of well-being for Spanish society as a whole.
We are undoubtedly living in an era of rampant business transformation, marked by financial crises, geopolitical changes, technological disruption and climate disasters, among other signs of the times. As a leading company, we have a responsibility to address these challenges and provide effective solutions. To succeed in this task, in 2023 we reviewed Atresmedia’s main strategic priorities, which will focus in the coming years on maximising the value of our core businesses, strengthening our digital businesses and spearheading the generation of audiovisual content. Yet we are aware that we must do more than just generate a shareholder return, and that we must contribute to social transformation and work towards the common good by realising our corporate purpose of generating meaningful reflection and real emotion to create a community with shared values.
As for our successes during the year, I would like to highlight the fact that Atresmedia closed out 2023 with revenue of EUR 971.4 million, net profit of EUR 171.2 million, and EBITDA of EUR 173.1 million, clearly showing that economic development and awareness of sustainability are mutually compatible pursuits.
These financial successes are in addition to the those achieved by each of our lines of business. Atresmedia Televisión ended the year as the leading media group, with an audience share of 26.8% and more than 18.2 million unique viewers per day, with Antena 3 being the most watched channel with an audience share of 13.3%. Meanwhile, laSexta made it 11 years at the top, ahead of its closest competitor, and cemented its position as the private channel with the second largest share of unique viewers. I would also like to highlight our speciality channels Nova, Neox, Mega and Atreseries, which achieved their best year since 2020 with a combined audience share of 7.3%.
Following the trend seen in recent years, in 2023 we reported record results, making us once again the undisputed leader across all of our business segments and cementing our position, for the second year running, as the leading media group in terms of audience share in SpainIn a world of information overload, trust has become our most highly prized asset. Our job as editors goes beyond simply distributing information; we take responsibility for everything we put out and work tirelessly to combat disinformation. We are therefore committed to providing truthful, fact-checked and reliable information to our audience. This commitment has made us the trusted partner of millions of households, who keep up with the latest news through our news programme. It is also reflected in the undisputed leadership of Antena 3 Noticias in 2023, which made it six straight years as the leading news programme in Spain.
During the year, we produced a multitude of fiction stories that have transcended our borders and made us a driving force within the wider industry. Notably, our OTT service atresplayer reached an average of 4.56 million unique monthly visitors and more than 600,000 subscribers, thanks to the première of original and exclusive content such as Cristo y Rey; Las Noches de Tefía; or Vestidas de Azul. In 2023 our platform expanded its live offering with a roster of 10 new FAST (free) channels. It also now features a more modern interface design that enhances the user experience. Meanwhile, Atresmedia Cine continued to invest in exciting cinema content by channelling EUR 23 million into 11 new feature films. It was an historic year in which we grossed EUR 19.1 million, making us the highest-grossing production company of the year and we also achieved a market share of 24%, with two productions making the top five of the highest-grossing Spanish films.
Atresmedia Radio also reported some very healthy audience figures, attracting a total of 2.83 million listeners across its three stations. Our general radio station, Onda Cero, ended 2023 with nearly 2 million daily listeners and Carlos Alsina, at the helm of Más de uno, achieved the best end of the year in the show’s history. Meanwhile, Europa FM, the national go-to station for music radio, grew by 12% compared to 2022 to reach 850,000 listeners. It also happened to be a year full of awards for Onda Cero’s various hosts and presenters. Carlos Alsina received, among other accolades, the Francisco Cerecedo award for journalism from the Association of European Journalists, while Julia Otero received the Medal of Honour from the City of Barcelona, which is a testament to the talent and professionalism of the voices of Atresmedia Radio.
Also in 2023, Atresmedia Publicidad continued to innovate and differentiate itself with the launch of a new commercial strategy to unlock the value and profitability of television content. Our partnership with advertisers is essential; they are our partners and will always be at the heart of our business project. We also continue to guarantee the safest and most secure environment for the brands who choose to advertise through us and we help to ensure the sustainability of the advertising industry through self-regulation, truth, diversity and quality of service. Lastly, Atresmedia Diversificación continued to grow during the year by investing in new sources of revenue that help to expand the Atresmedia brand and consolidate some of the companies in which the Group holds stakes, such as Fever and Waynabox, which doubled its revenues during the period.
Yet our success is not only confined to the business world; we have also actively contributed to the cohesion and cultural development of our society. We genuinely believe that the media has the power to positively influence people’s lives and to foster constructive dialogue within society. Along these lines, we have created new spaces for reflection, such as the Metafuturo event, which addresses the main challenges in the world we now live in, alongside national and international experts, while also working hard to foster diversity, respect and tolerance in our content, all with the aim of helping to build a more inclusive and supportive society.
Notably, in 2023 we subtitled 92.5% of our television content, we broadcast EUR 27.9 million worth of free advertising campaigns for NGOs, and we worked with the Disasters Emergency Committee to provide a rapid response to the humanitarian needs arising from the earthquakes in Turkey, Syria and Morocco. Meanwhile, our brand new Hablando en plata initiative looked to showcase the true value of the elderly and combat ageism by encouraging society to see them in a different light and showing that their experience and knowledge is a valuable asset for our society. Our unflinching social commitment through well-known initiatives such as Ponle Freno, Constantes y Vitales, Tolerancia Cero, the work of Fundación Atresmedia in promoting media literacy among children and young people and our corporate volunteering programme, goes to show that we continually endeavour to have a positive impact on the society in which we operate and live.
All these results would not have been possible without the support of our shareholders, advertisers, partners and suppliers, and without our exceptional team of professionals and communicators. Our commitment to excellence and talent is what has allowed us to consolidate our position as market leaders, to have the most watched news shows, programmes and series of the year and to remain at the very forefront of the industry.
The success of our business model has also been recognised in a recent report published by the prestigious US magazine Newsweek, which ranked Atresmedia as one of the most reliable companies in the world and the only Spanish company to make the list from the media and entertainment sector. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the benchmark organisation in offering climate information to the investment community, awarded Atresmedia one of its highest climate performance scores, A-, which is our highest score in recent years and positions us above the average for our industry. All these awards make us immensely proud.
I would like to finish by reiterating our firm commitment as a Group to playing an active role in building a socially sustainable audiovisual sector and making a positive contribution to the environment in which we operate. I would also like to thank you for your ongoing support and for the trust you continue to place in us.