Corporate_Responsibility_Summary - page 12

Enhancedquality controls.
Atresmedia Publicidad
employs a strict
quality assurance system for all advertising content, thus ensuring that
commercials comply with current legislation and the self-regulation
codes beforebeing aired.
In order to achieve this result, a triple filter is applied by the Broadcasts,
Commercial and Self-Regulation Departments. Besides advertising con-
tent, the triple control filter was also applied to advertising/hour figures
in 2013 inorder not to exceed the legal limits.
Fostering responsible advertising among advertisers.
media Publicidad
works to achieve responsible advertising that adds
value and goes beyond mere conventional commercial communication.
To that end, a commitment has beenmade to always have a portfolio of
products that offers clients the ability to partner with actions of a social
nature, such as the group’s Corporate Responsibility campaigns:
El Estirón
or the initiatives by
Nº of legal consultations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nº of copy advices
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nº of infringements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fines onTV advertising
. . . . . . . . . . .
€ 780,233
Fines onother advertising
. . . . . . . . . . .
€ 1,000
Valueof free spots for NGOs
. . . . . .
Valueof free radio slots for NGOs
. . .
Support employees as themain valueof the
The company is aware that a large part of its success depends on its
employees. Its human resource policy is therefore focused on person-
al growth and professional development of persons. The objective is to
ensure that all Groupprofessionals feel proudofworking in
In order to transmit this spirit, the Group has a Human Resources policy
and strategy that encourages talent retention, providing a safe, conciliat-
ing and equalitarian environment, competitive remuneration conditions
andenablingemployees togrowonapersonal andprofessional level and
execute their functionswith freedom
Themost important milestone in 2013was the signature of the VIII Col-
lective Agreement, which represented a great advance for the compa-
ny, which governs 86% of the headcount. As part of the new Collective
Agreement a commissionwas created to improvework-life balance and
tonegotiate anEqualityPlan for the company. In addition, training for all
headcount has increased an internal communication has been improved,
amongother achievements.
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