The most representative acquisitions and sales of ownership interests in other entities and other
significant corporate transactions in 2014 were as follows:
the Company transferred to its subsidiary Atres Advertising, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder
Company) all of the shares representing the share capital of Publiseis Iniciativas Publicitarias, S.A.
(Sole-Shareholder Company) under a share purchase and sale agreement entered into on 19 May
on 3 January 2014, the Company subscribed 154,412 new shares of Hola Televisión
América, S.L. for a total nominal amount and share premium of EUR 618 thousand. On 12 May
2014, Hola Televisión América, S.L. performed another capital increase with a share premium in
which the Company subscribed 99,638 new shares for a total of EUR 399 thousand. Lastly, on 25
September 2014, the Company subscribed 88,227 new shares of the aforementioned company for
a total nominal amount and share premium of EUR 353 thousand. None of the capital increases
described above had an impact on the percentage of ownership held in this associate's share
on 16 December 2014, the Company increased its investment in I3 Televisión, S.L. by
EUR 425 thousand. However, this did not result in an increase in the percentage of ownership held
in this associate.
in December 2014, the Company made various shareholders' contributions to offset losses
to Cordina Planet, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder Company), Antena 3 Noticias, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder
Company) and Atresmedia Foto, S.L. for EUR 4,919 thousand, EUR 1,661 thousand and EUR 329
thousand, respectively.
None of the investees of Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. are listed on
Spanish or foreign stock exchanges.
At the end of each year or period the directors assess the business plans of the Company’s
investees, revise them if necessary and estimate the value of the ownership interests and the
recoverability of the investments made.
For investments for which business plans are not available, impairment is estimated on the basis
of the company’s equity and the unrealised gains at the end of the year or period.
In 2015 the Company recognised net results from reversals and impairment losses on financial
instruments totalling EUR 54 thousand. Impairment losses of EUR 5,289 thousand relating to the
ownership interest in Hola Televisión América, S.L. and of EUR 3,778 thousand relating to the
ownership interest in Cordina Planet, S.L. were recognised. In addition, provisions of EUR 11,093
thousand were reversed, of which EUR 10,464 thousand related to the use of a portion of the
existing provision for Uniprex S.A. (Sole-Shareholder Company), as a result of the analysis
performed for the valuation of this investment.
9.- Information on the nature and level of risk of financial instruments
The Company and its Group has a risk management and control system in place which is
periodically reviewed and updated based on the changes in the Group's business activities, the
materialisation of risks, changes to legislation and the organisation's own development.
This risk management and control system is a tool to aid in management decision-making and to
effectively manage risks by identifying and implementing the controls and actions plans, if any,
that are necessary for all the identified risks, thereby improving the ability to generate value and
minimising any impact that may arise from the materialisation of any risk.