Identify the listed subsidiaries in Spain:
Listed subsidiaries
Indicate whether they have accurately and publicly disclosed the respective areas of activity they
engage in, and any possible business dealings between them, as well as between the listed
subsidiary and other group companies;
Yes No
Define the possible business relations between the parent and the listed subsidiary,
and between the latter and the other group companies
Identify the mechanisms envisaged to resolve the possible conflicts of interest between the listed
subsidiary and the other group companies:
Mechanisms to resolve the possible conflicts of interest
Explain the scope of the company's Risk Management System.
The Atresmedia Group has had a Risk Management and Control System for several years. The
model is frequently reviewed and updated based on the Group's business performance, the
materialisation of risks, regulatory novelties and the actual evolution of the organisation.
The Risk Management and Control System implemented at the Atresmedia Group is a tool to
assist in Management decision-making and to efficiently address the risks through the
identification and implementation of the controls and action plans required for all the risks
identified, if any, thereby improving the capacity for generating value, and minimising any
impact of the materialisation of risks.
Risk analysis and control affects all the Group's businesses and activities, and also involves all
organisational units. It is therefore a corporate Risk Management and Control System in which
the whole organisation participates actively, which must be managed by the Board of Directors,
with the functions granted in this regard to the Audit Committee, and with the coordination and
participation of the Regulatory Compliance Committee and, especially, of the Judicial-Legal area
and of the Internal Audit and Processes Control area.
The main objective of the Risk Management and Control System implemented is to identify risks,
and frequently monitor them, and to define and implement control procedures.
The Atresmedia Group’s Risk Management and Control System has the following main
Consistency and uniformity in the system: Assuring uniformity in the definition,
identification and measurement of risks at all the Group companies.
Corporate Internal Control Environment: All controls are applied by heads in line with
the frequency of tests, measuring their effectiveness and reflecting the outcome of the
whole activity.
Assessment and Continuous Improvement: Continually improving the model via the
assessment of the control design, and identifying new potential risks and controls
required for these new risks.
Policies, Protocols, Standards and Performance Procedures: Means of communication
and management tool for the business areas of the different Group companies, providing
the internal performance guidelines and indications.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Ensuring compliance with all regulations and
laws applicable in the field of all company businesses and operations.