Explain the measures which, where appropriate, were adopted to endeavour to include
a number of women on the Board of Directors, thereby enabling a balanced presence of
men and women.
Explain the measures which, where appropriate, were adopted by the Appointments
Committee in order that the selection procedures do not suffer from implicit bias
hindering the selection of female directors, and that the company deliberately seeks to
include women which meet the sought-after professional profile amongst its potential
When, despite the measures adopted, where appropriate, the number of female
directors is scant or nil, explain the reasons justifying such decision:
Explain the form of representation on the Board of the shareholders with significant
The significant shareholders are represented on the Board of Directors by directors
who have been proposed thereby to the General Shareholders' Meeting and whose
appointment was informed upon favourably by the Appointments and Remuneration
Committee and approved by the Board of Directors itself.
Explain, where applicable, the reasons why significant-shareholder appointed directors
have been appointed at the behest of the shareholders whose holding is less than 5% of
the capital:
Indicate whether formal petitions for presence on the Board have been ignored from
shareholders whose holding is equal to or higher than that of others at whose behest
significant-shareholder appointed directors were nominated. Where applicable, explain
why these petitions have been ignored:
Yes No X
Explanation of the measures
No specific measure was adopted for this purpose. On filling vacancies on the Board or
on appointing new directors to the Appointments and Remuneration Committee,
assess the competences and knowledge of the persons proposed for the position, and
the functions and aptitudes required by the candidates.
Explanation of the measures
The Appointments and Remuneration Committee guarantees that the selection
procedures do not suffer from implicit bias which may give rise to any type of
discrimination and, in particular, that they do not hinder the selection of female
directors. This Committee informs the Board of Directors of the matters of gender
diversity which may arise during the selection processes of new directors.
Explanation of the reasons
Name or company name of shareholders
S.A. (GAMP) were appointed as
directors at the request of IMAGINA
which, at the date of the appointment,
owned direct and indirect holdings
(via GAMP) exceeding 5%.