Cuentas Anuales Individuales_Atresmedia - page 101

The associates over which Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. or its
subsidiaries do not exercise control but over which they have the capacity to exercise
significant influence in their management, normally through agreements with other
shareholders, were accounted for in the consolidated financial statements using the equity
method. Using this accountingmethod, the investment is recognised at cost, including any
goodwill arising on the acquisition, and is subsequently adjusted on the basis of the
changes in its equity, in proportion to the percentage of ownership that corresponds to the
Group. The Group’s share of the results of these companies is recognised, net of the
related tax effect, under “Share of Results of Associates” in the consolidated income
statement, and any dividends received from these companies are deducted from the value
of the investment.
These associates are as follows:
Company name
Year of
Lineof business
I3 Televisión, S.L.
IT services
Atresmedia Corporación deMedios de
Comunicación, S.A.
Hola Televisión América, S.L.
Audiovisual communication services
Atresmedia Corporación deMedios de
Comunicación, S.A.
Atlantis Global Solutions, S.L.
Development and identification of
audiovisual content on various platforms
Antena 3 Films, S.A.U.
The Group does not exercise control over the associates that are 50% or more owned,
because under the shareholders agreements it has no powers to govern their financial and
operating policies so as to obtain benefits from their activities.
Changes in the scope of consolidation andmain transactions in 2013
On 6 February 2013, Antena 3 de Televisión Colombia, S.A. and Canal 3
Televisión Colombia, S.A. were liquidated. This transaction did not have any impact on
the consolidated financial statements.
On 5 April 2013, the subsidiary Antena 3 Films, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder
Company) acquired 33.41% of the share capital of Atlantis Global Solutions, S.L., the
company object of which is to develop and identify audiovisual content that enables
synergies between various operating platforms to be created. This company was
accounted for using the equitymethod.
On 20 June 2013, the sole directors of Estaciones Radiofónicas de Aragón, S.A.
(Sole-Shareholder Company), Ipar Onda, S.A. (Sole-Shareholder Company), Onda Cero,
S.A. (Sole-Shareholder Company) and Canal Media Radio Galicia, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder
Company) signed the Common Draft Terms of Merger for the merger with Uniprex, S.A.
(Sole-Shareholder Company) (absorbing company), in conformity with Article 49 of Law
3/2009 on structural changes to companies formed under the Spanish Commercial Code,
since this merger involved the absorption of wholly-owned investees, given that the
absorbing company is the sole shareholder and direct owner of all the share capital of the
absorbed companies.
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