statements and notes, as well as the information provided on the Internal Control over
Financial Reporting (ICFR) system.
The data underpinning the financial information contains, in a complete, precise and
relevantmanner, all the transactions, significant events andother events that affect the
Group, and therefore the information reported. All this information is identified,
collected and communicated with sufficient time and in a form that allows the people
responsible for preparing the financial information to carry out their functions in an
The Atresmedia Group has at its disposal the mechanisms to capture and prepare its
financial information using homogeneous formats and applications, such as the SAP-R3
and FRANGO applications that are used by all the units and subsidiaries of the Group.
Furthermore, the different business units usemanagement systems that are integrated
in SAP R3, in such a way that the dumping of information is automatic; the necessary
controls are in place and the supervisory and review processes are carried out by the
Group’s Financial Department.
Supervisionof the functioningof the system
Report highlighting itsmain characteristics regardingat least:
The Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICFR) supervision activities performed by
the Audit Committee, and whether the Entity has an internal audit function which
includes among its competences that of supporting the committee in its task of
supervising the internal control system, including the Internal Control over Financial
Reporting (ICFR) system. Likewise, information will be provided on the scope of the
evaluation of the Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICFR) system performed in
the year and of the procedure whereby the person in charge of executing the
assessment notifies his/her results, if the Entity has an actionplandetailing the possible
remedialmeasures, and if their impact on financial reportinghas been considered.
The Audit and Control Committee is the body responsible for the supervision of the
policies and procedures, the preparation and integrity of the financial information, as
well as for the adequate definition of the consolidation scope and the correct
applicationof accountingprinciples.
The Internal Audit area has been delegated the function of supervising the internal
control model by the Audit and Control Committee. This area carries out periodic
reviews of business cycles at Group and subsidiary level, andproposes corrective action
plans that are communicated to theAtresmediaGroup's SeniorManagement and to the
Audit andControl Committee.
The AtresmediaGroup implemented a projectwith a thirdparty to assess thedegreeof
compliance of the Group, in relation to the ICFR, with the guidelines indicated in the
reference framework of the CNMV, regarding the level of compliance of theAtresmedia
Group with respect to the 16 basic indicators defined by the Internal Control Working
Group in its "Guide for the preparation of the description of the Internal Control over
Financial Reporting System", in the indicators relating to the Environment of Control,
InformationandCommunicationandSupervisionof the functioningof theSystem.
The results of this project were submitted to theAudit andControl Committee, defining
an action plan to analyse the improvement recommendations that arose in the
diagnostic project.
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