unbundling) which support the Entity's relevant processes in relation to the preparation
andpublicationof financial information.
The Atresmedia Group's controls are partly carried out through people and partly
through IT systems. Many of the processes that support the relevant steps in the
preparation of the financial information are automated in the management systems –
mainly SAP – implemented at the Group. Controls have been designed and put in place
regarding access and user profiles for the IT and communication systems that have an
impact on the financial information and the accounting closes, which guarantee the
securityof access todata andprograms, and control over changes, the correct operation
of the changes and their continuity.
Internal control policies and procedures in place to supervise the management of
activities subcontracted to third parties, and tomonitor the evaluation, calculation and
valuation activities of independent experts, which may have a material effect on the
financial statements.
Similarly, the Atresmedia Group has internal control policies and procedures in place to
supervise the management of the activities subcontracted to third parties, and to
monitor the evaluation, calculation and appraisal matters entrusted to independent
experts,whichmayhaveamaterial effect on the financial statements.
Informationand communication
Report highlighting theirmain characteristics, if theyhaveat least:
A specific function charged with defining, keeping accounting policies up to date
(accounting policies area or department) and resolving doubts or conflicts arising from
their interpretation, maintaining smooth communication with the Organisation's heads
of operations, and an updated accounting policiesmanual notified to the units through
thoseoperatedby theEntity.
All organisational levels of the Atresmedia Group have access to the information they
may requireat any time through the corporate intranet.
At theAtresmediaGroup, smooth communicationexists between theBoardof Directors
and Senior Management, thereby ensuring the adequate performance of the functions
and responsibilities, especially through the Chairman, Deputy Chairmen and CEO. In
addition, the Board of Directors, through the Audit and Control Committee, with the
support of the Audit and Process Control Department and the Financial Department,
assess the action plans and the approval of the Strategic Plan, and also analyse the
financial resultsprior to their presentation to themarkets.
TheBoardof Directors of AtresmediaCorporaciónmaintains aproactiveapproach to the
preparationof the financial informationand is open todiscussions concerning important
matters related to financial reporting, through the participation of Senior Management
(Chairman, Deputy Chairmen andCEO) at all theBoardof Directors'Meetings, aswell as
through an information feedback loopbetween the Financial Department, theAudit and
ProcessControl Department, theAudit andControl Committeeand theBoard itself.
Furthermore, all the regulatory changes relating to accounting, auditing and corporate
risk management are communicated to the Audit and Control Committee by the Audit
andProcessControl Department and theFinancial Department.
Mechanisms to capture and prepare financial information with homogeneous formats,
applied and used by all the Entity or Group units, which support the main financial
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