Define the possible business relations between the Parent and the listed subsidiary, and
between the latter and theotherGroup companies
Identify the mechanisms envisaged to resolve the possible conflicts of interest between the listed
subsidiaryand theotherGroup companies:
Mechanisms to resolve thepossible conflicts of interest
Explain the scopeof theCompany'sRiskManagement System.
The Risk Management Model implemented at the Atresmedia Group is a tool to assist in
Management decision-making and to efficiently address the risks through the identification and
implementation of the controls and correctivemeasures required for all the risks identified, if any,
thereby improving the capacity for generatingvalue.
TheAtresmediaGroup’sRiskManagementModel has the followinggoals:
- Consistency andUniformity in the Application of theModel: Assuring uniformity in the definition,
identificationandmeasurement of risks at all theGroup companies.
Internal Control Environment: Updating existing controls and measuring their degree of efficiency
onapermanent basis.
Assessment and Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement in the model through tools
and indicators which enable assessment, identifying new potential risks and identifying and
introducing thenecessary controlsover newpotential risks.
Policies, Standards and Performance Procedures: Means of communication and management tool
for thebusiness areasof thedifferentGroup companies.
Compliancewith Laws andRegulations: Ensuring compliancewith all regulations and laws applicable
in the fieldof all Companybusinesses andoperations.
Risk management in the Atresmedia Group consists of a series of interrelated components, as a
multi-directional and interactiveprocess inwhichall the components influenceeachother:
1). Internal control environment
Periodically, the control environment of each area of organisationwill be assessed, analysing on the
one handhow the Company's personnel perceive the risks, establishing the controlswhichmitigate
the risks and developing the actions plans and, on the other hand, the environment in which the
2). Settingof targets
Targets are reviewed and set annually Consequently, with said targets the level of acceptable risk is
established, depending on the Group's global strategy and on the internal and external events
identifiedduring theprior period.
3). Identificationof events
In the process of identifying events, we decide which events can affect the Group, which of these
offer opportunities, and which could have a negative impact on the Company’s capacity to
implement the strategyandaccomplish its goals.
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