Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

5.3.3. Major stakeholders (GRI 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44) Atresmedia has identified the following stakeholders with whom it interacts in the course of its business: advertisers, audiences, shareholders, employees, suppliers (distributors, production firms and service providers), regulators and wider society. To know its stakeholders’ demands, Atresmedia has set up an email account for receiving feedback and comments on its content, advertising and technical incidents, requests for information, and suggestions for collaboration on a variety of fronts. This account received 297 mails in 2017. Other communication tools include the shareholder, investor and advertiser offices, and a public helpline that has taken more than three 34,000 calls. discussion groups million followers 560 participants 220 corporate profiles 70 43 One of Atresmedia’s priority external stakeholders is its audiences. In line with its unwavering commitment to meeting the demands of viewers regarding the content of its channels, in 2017 Atresmedia conducted 70 focus groups, gathering the opinions and assessments of around 560 people. This dialogue initiative is rounded off with proactive social media management. Atresmedia has 220 corporate profiles available to 43 million users, with which it has ongoing dialogue. We supplemented these actions with the launch of Atreseries Opina, which is Atresmedia’s commitment to listen to the community and engage with the public, and thus keep in direct touch with our television audiences. This activity enabled us to attract 70 proposals a month over our specially designed website: | 72 |  5. WHAT DO WE DO? ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017