Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

issues facing society. The event brought together over 1,000 volunteers from 47 companies across ten Spanish cities. For the third straight year, Atresmedia has been the media partner of the VI edition of the international volunteering event known as “Give and Gain Day” organised by Forética, which featured upwards of 1,200 volunteers. Atresmedia also lent its support to the #Companies4sdgs initiative, driven by the Global Compact and Volunteering and Strategy, with the aim of getting employees, companies and society involved in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Group has aligned its corporate volunteering strategy with the SDGs and has shown the campaign across all its channels, reaching some 60% of the population in 2017. Volunteering programmes at Atresmedia focused on the following areas in 2017: Activity NGO Volunteers Hours SDG Impact Support organising the ¡Grandes Profes! event Fundación Atresmedia 13 78 4 - 8 - 16 - 17 More than 1,500 teachers from all the autonomous communities of Spain attended the ¡Grandes Profes! 2017 event. It became a national trending topic while the event lasted. Supporting the daily running of a soup kitchen Santa María Josefa de Vallecas Soup Kitchen 42 126 1 - 2 - 3 - 10 Feeds over 700 destitute and low- income people a day Maintaining an organic vegetable garden alongside people with intellectual disabilities Fundación Juan XXIII 45 180 8 - 10 - 11 - 13 42 kilos of vegetables collected and 290 m2of soil maintained, as well as classes on healthy habits, inclusion of disabled people Befriending and supporting the elderly, who are invited to visit the headquarters of Atresmedia Fundación Amigos de los Mayores 10 25 3 - 10 Making 12 senior citizens at a care home feel less lonely Befriending and supporting the elderly by organising a cultural trip Fundación Amigos de los Mayores 10 40 3 - 10 Making 10 senior citizens at a care home feel less lonely | 154 |  7. OUR CONTRIBUTION ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017