Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

Contantes y Vitales Fundación Axa: among other key initiatives, the association has conceived the ‘Constantes y Vitales’ Awards for Biomedical Research and Preventive Healthcare. The awards have now been held on two occasions and seek to strengthen, showcase, support and improve the valuable research being undertaken by Spanish scientists, while rewarding preventive healthcare actions. Atresmedia and Fundación AXA have renewed their partnership and will continue working together through to 2020, making it an eight-year venture on the following two fronts: Ponle Freno and Constantes y Vitales. Tolerancia Cero Fundación Mutua Madrileña: Tolerancia Cero is the brainchild of Antena 3 Noticias and Fundación Mutua Madrileña and has been named an outstanding project by the Spanish Observatory against Domestic and Gender-based Violence. The alliance with Atresmedia is a product of the work that Fundación Mutua Madrileña has been undertaking on this subject since 2013, when it set up a specific unit tasked with combating gender-based violence and encouraging society to reject and outcast abusers. Grandes Profes Samsung: Samsung is firmly committed to education and views technology as a valuable tool for teaching and learning. Santillana: the publisher is helping people develop their potential through education, specifically education delivered by teachers. Objetivo Bienestar Arprocan: Arprocan and Objetivo Bienestar are encouraging the public to eat more fruit since recent evidence shows that fruit consumption is on the decline. Thanks to a joint campaign that provides useful advice and other actions, the public is being made aware of the myths, benefits and uses of one of the most widely recognised fruits in our country. 7.3.6. Corporate volunteering As part of its Human Resources strategy, Atresmedia has put an ambitious Corporate Volunteering Programme in place that envisions two main courses of action: • Active collaboration on programmes: through its Corporate Volunteering Programme, the Group offers workers the chance to take part in various initiatives. • Participation at forums and events: the programme aims to promote and encourage volunteering through the Company’s communication channels (television, radio and digital platforms), and by taking part in major forums such as Red Voluntare. In 2017, 211 Atresmedia workers took part in one or other activity under the corporate volunteering programme, providing 2,325 hours of support between them. Total investment in volunteering in 2017 amounted to 17,427 euros. | 152 |  7. OUR CONTRIBUTION ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017