Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

SDG Atresmedia actions helping to accomplish the goal Television content • Special episode of Equipo de Investigación (laSexta) titled ‘Turistificación’, showing how the rise in tourism is affecting cities, workers and the environment; a subject also addressed on a special episode titled Territorio guiri by Antena 3 Noticias . Radio content • Every Thursday, Valencia en la Onda invites a government representative from the city of Valencia, who responds to the concerns raised by inhabitants and hears their suggestions on how to improve the city. La llamada de los oyentes on Onda Cero Sevilla is also a radio space for collaborating with the local population and listening to their concerns. Partnerships • Atresmedia is the media partner of Sustainable Brands, which brings the business world and sustainability closer together. In 2017, it unveiled the Co-creating Cities initiative, which was covered on Antena 3, laSexta and Onda Cero. Television content • Special episode on the laSexta Columna titled ‘Rebelión en el consumo: Lo que las apps esconden’, alerting consumers to the threats posed by online consumer channels. Television content • ‘ Vigilantes del planeta ’ (laSexta), a documentary on the impact of climate change and possible solutions. • El Intermedio (laSexta) sent Gonzo to Vanuatu alongside Greenpeace to show the consequences of climate change. • Special episode of Salvados (laSexta) titled ‘Deshaciendo Doñana’. • Tu tiempo ( Antena 3 Noticias ) aired the micro-slot ‘Es tiempo de prevenir el fuego’, offering invaluable information on how to prevent forest fires. Radio content • Más de uno staged various interviews on the subject of climate change with prominent figures such as Marten Scheffer, winner of the BBVA award for Ecology and Conservation Biology; Elvira Jiménez, head of Greenpeace’s oceans campaign; Miguel Rodilla, biologist at the Polytechnic University of Valencia; and Roberto Brasero, who presented his book ‘La influencia silenciosa’. • The Córdoba en la onda station collaborates with Guillermo Contreras from the Aire Limpio de Córdoba platform. Corporate responsibility initiatives • Hazte Eco : environmental awareness initiative of the Neox channel, which airs a fortnightly current affairs show on environmental protection. • Hazte Eco was added in 2017 to the IV RESPONSIBLE PLANET event. Internal actions • For its Hazte Eco Christmas special, Atresmedia changed the traditional Christmas tree for one made from plastic bottles recycled by its employees. Partnerships • Collaboration agreements with WWF, Greenpeace and Ecoembes. Volunteering • Corporate volunteering action to work at an organic vegetable garden alongside people with intellectual disabilities. Hazte Eco initiative in Christmas. Family volunteering in an orchard. | 134 |  7. OUR CONTRIBUTION ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017