Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

SDG Atresmedia actions helping to accomplish the goal Television content • Campaign across all of Atresmedia’s television and radio channels to give recognition and visibility to teachers and educators. • Special episode of Equipo de Investigación (laSexta) addressing the phenomenon of the university bubble. • Stressing the importance of education through various plot lines on Puente Viejo and Amar es para siempre . Radio content • Special programmes to mark Book Day (Asturias). • Jerez en la Onda has partnerships in effect with various local cultural associations (El Arroyo, Amigos del Archivo, Ateneo Cultural andaluz, etc.). Fundación Atresmedia • Education is one of the strategic cornerstones of Fundación Atresmedia. Atresmedia Formación • Initiative to train future generations of the audiovisual media sector. Volunteering • Corporate volunteering action to support the Grandes Profes! event organised by Fundación Atresmedia. Television content • Special episode of El Objetivo , hosted by Ana Pastor (laSexta), discussing equality between men and women. • Contra el silencio , an Antena 3 programme to raise awareness of gender-based violence. The show featured journalist Mónica Carrillo, who then hosted a debate following the show. The show was also broadcast by Nova. • Special coverage on Antena 3 Noticias of the “Me Too” movement to report on sexual assault in Hollywood. • Raising awareness of the fight against gender-based violence and the gender pay gap through various interviews on Espejo Público (Antena 3) and El Intermedio (laSexta). • l aSexta Noticias joined the Una mujer (One woman) initiative, ensuring that all titles bore the motto Una mujer on 8 March. • Showing the struggle for gender equality in the 1960s in plot lines of Amar es para siempre • laSexta was the first channel in Spain to broadcast World Pride Madrid by arranging for a bus to follow the march. • Special episode on laSexta Columna titled ‘Homófobos: lo vuestro sí tiene cura’ (Homophobes: your affliction is curable), dedicated to the LGTBI community. • Special content on Flooxer: Muñecas and Marica tú , on issues that matter to the LGTBI community. Radio content • Onda Cero Alcalá supported Fundación Vicente Ferrer on occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child. Social corporate responsibility initiatives • Tolerancia Cero (Zero Tolerance) when it comes to male violence against women. The initiative also earned official recognition from the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and from the Observatory against Domestic and Gender-based Violence. Internal actions • Second edition of the grants programme organised by Fundación Integra to help women who have been the victim of gender-based violence find work at Atresmedia. • Atresmedia is member of the network of companies for a society free from gender-based violence (initiative of the Ministry of Health, Equality and Social Affairs). Grandes Profes! event 2017. 7. OUR CONTRIBUTION  | 131 | ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017