Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

Another factor in our excellent performance in 2017 was our ongoing commitment to innovation. Innovation runs through each and every one of our activities, and springs directly from our refusal to conform or to rest on our laurels. In addition to Atresmedia Studios - which in record time closed crucial deals, soon to be followed by still more - the Company set in motion a start-up incubator in partnership with Boomerang to create new entertainment formats. In the radio division, despite the maturity and robustly entrenched nature of the market, we continue to tweak our offering to further enhance what we believe is already the best proposal out there. Our offering is at the forefront of 21st-century radio in terms of both content and broadcasting technology. In the online division, we beefed up our position by acquiring Smartclip Latam , while we continue to optimise our multiplatform distribution policy with product and functionality improvements. All these factors enabled us to raise revenue by 3.0% in the year, to 1.05 billion euros. As I said earlier, this is the highest revenue figure in the Company’s entire history. Our management model seeks out the highest standards of effectiveness and profitability. We achieved EBITDA of 202.1 million euros, with an EBITDA margin of 19.2%, and net profit of 142.1 million euros, 10.0% more than in 2016. A key factors in achieving these figures was the strong performance of our commercial division, Atresmedia Publicidad . Our advertising people have shown our clients that we provide the best setting for communications about their products. Their excellent work is reflected in our power ratio – market share to viewership share – which at 1.6 is the highest of any television advertising marketer. Following our philosophy of customer focus, innovation, effectiveness and profitability, Atresmedia was again the leading multimedia advertising marketer in Spain, with a 19% share of the total spend in conventional media. Atresmedia Televisión has strengthened the lead of its television model. Atresmedia’s television division is still living proof that quality, innovative and broadly based television is appreciated and rewarded by the general public. High viewership is compatible with prestige: we have become one of the game-changers in Spain’s audiovisual industry, as against other operators who merely farm out their licences. Atresmedia Televisión’s six channels proved the strongest in withstanding the onrush of fragmentation and the shift in consumption trends, thus reaffirming the success of their model and their commercial appeal. I would like to highlight that, propelled by its two flagship channels, Antena 3 and laSexta , Atresmedia Televisión ended 2017 with an audience share of 26.6%, and in leading the commercial target audience —we are the most highly valued showcase for advertisers in the We were the first to undestand that the focus of our business must be our content. We proved able to break resistance to change so as to become Spain’s leading content factory 2. MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER  | 13 | ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017