Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

Atresmedia Formación: developing existing talent while training future generations In addition to training its current workforce, Atresmedia is fully committed to the future of the sector and to training future generations of employees. Atresmedia Formación embodies the Company’s commitment to becoming the leader and benchmark within Spain when it comes to training in audiovisual subject matter and communication. The initiative, created in 2016, provides a whole suite of specialist training experiences tailored to the actual needs of audiovisual communication companies. Atresmedia Formación is intended for companies operating in the sector, as well as universities, foundations and any person looking to work in the audiovisuals sector. With over 400 courses, the training initiative is eminently practical, focusing on the most sought after skills within the sector, such as communication, digital marketing and new audiovisual technologies. To ensure a successful training experience, the trainers are all prominent professionals from the sector in their chosen subject. The catalogue of Atresmedia Formación extends to vocational training. Here, two new courses were launched in 2017: Production and Realisation together with the Vocational Training Institute of Grupo Planeta, and the postgraduate diploma in partnership with EAE Business School and Universidad Antonio de Nebrija. Moreover, Atresmedia Formación has partnership agreements in effect with Fundación Cajasol (Seville), Fundación Araguaney (Santiago de Compostela), Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca, Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid, INAEM in Aragón, Boomerang, Secuoya, AMC, the regional government of Castilla La Mancha and Semana. It is also near to concluding an agreement with SANOFI and the Galician Health Service. Project Th’nk: support for exciting new ideas Th’nk is an internal innovation group created by Atresmedia’s own employees and backed by the management. It is intended as a work space for those Atresmedia professionals we might call intrapreneurs, giving them inspiration and allowing them to communicate freely. The project turned five on 5 October and has the support of 80% of Group employees, who see it as an innovative | 122 |  7. OUR CONTRIBUTION ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017