Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

Training needs in 2017 were met through a total of 471 courses, 31 of which were new additions to the existing range of courses. These courses involved a total of 44,593 training hours (43,593 hours in 2016), distributed among the following knowledge areas: 2015 2017 2016 Communication Skills Languages Technologies New technologies Health and safety Editorial policies CSR and sustainability Other 4,913 2,582 1,852 2,151 7,678 11,712 12,899 12,225 17,964 7,229 1,348 2,263 6,641 11,625 6,474 383 556 624 630 933 56 0 3,686 530 224 3,320 3,118 Training hours by subject Average course satisfaction among employees exceeded 8.5/10 On top of its traditional training scheme, Atresmedia has organised a Masters in Audiovisual Business Administration in partnership with the EAE Business School, so as to give its employees the necessary knowledge of the environment in which they work. The second edition of this Masters programme ended in 2017, having trained a total of 100 Group employees. Meanwhile, Atresmedia trains its management team by focusing on management skills such as leadership, creative intelligence, intrapreneurial and innovative attitude, and digital skills. These face-to-face courses encourage executives from the different companies to interact, brainstorm and share their suggestions with Human Resources. A total of 166 executives took part in this training programme in 2017. 7. OUR CONTRIBUTION  | 121 | ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017