
One of the first results of that process of introspection is the shift in focus for the Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report which we publish today. Atresmedia has reported on its sustainability performance for more than a decade, but this is the first time that our Group publishes an integrated report setting out the relationships between strategy, governance and financial performance and the social, economic and environmental setting in which the Organisation operates. The Report addresses all the issues that bear upon our strategy and are relevant to our shareholders, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, thus providing a comprehensive vision of everything we do. In addition to the Group’s traditional community role, this new report enhances the information about key strategic issues, such as risk management and the strengthening of our Corporate Governance, which is now compliant with almost every recommendation in this field, thus making us a stronger and more reliable organisation. As to our community role, given that we are a medium of communication, a highlight is Atresmedia’s determination to place the Group’s whole communicative potential at the service of wider society and its vital concerns. Compromiso Atresmedia is the conceptual umbrella that embraces all our corporate responsibility initiatives, as reflected in our media and also internally within the Company . Supporting road safety, raising awareness of healthy lifestyle choices, protecting the environment, supporting scientific research, fighting against gender violence and advocating the creation and protection of intellectual property continue to be issues to which we are firmly committed. Against a background of rapid change in the media, our Group wants to see open competition on an equal footing; the legal rules should apply to all operators equally. It is our hope that the regulatory symmetry that we are asking for – and which is surely reasonable – will enable us to serve the wider community to the best of our ability LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN  | 7 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017  |  ATRESMEDIA