
The fact that we are Spain’s largest Communication Group is no mere accident. It is the outcome of the way we do business. For a number of years, we have pursued, vigorously and with conviction, a strategy predicated on quality content, professionalism, a diversity of viewpoints and support for the industry. Our focus on these vectors of action, which cut across all our areas of activity, is the key to our success. What defines us and places us in a leading position in the eyes of the general public, which values and rewards our efforts to avoid the easy way out and, instead, achieve excellence. We have undeniably proved that our model brings together sustainable leadership with an attractive return on investment; our strong business performance is wedded to the recognition and confidence of our viewers, listeners and advertisers. The worth of our business philosophy is borne out by the facts and by our performance. The figures achieved in 2017 reflect these values, which are common to the entire Company, and are also the outcome of our willingness to understand and rise to challenges as they emerge in our surroundings. We are not scared of change. Rather, change is what drives us forward and enables us to become our best selves. And 2017 was certainly a year of change. The internationalisation of our content, the founding of Atresmedia Studios , the acquisition of SmartClip and the enhancement of our diversification policy all clearly exemplify our refusal to conform or rest on our laurels, and our ability to adapt and consistently improve. 2017 also saw our Group become finally and firmly established as Spain’s leading news organisation. And this, again, is no mere coincidence or short-term trick. It is the outcome of a long-term commitment to a diversity of viewpoints, and quality news and reporting. Our coverage of the Catalan independence process via Antena 3 Noticias, laSexta Noticias and the Onda Cero news unit was the go-to option for millions of people, and strengthened our bond to the real concerns of the wider community. This success shows that our strategy was the right one, even though the fruits were not borne immediately. As a result, Atresmedia has moved to the forefront, and we can now say that we are the most influential Group . And not just through our news and current affairs programming. We also lead the pack with our entertainment and fiction content. Because influence also consists of people talking about your series or game shows in their day-to-day lives. To be influential and address the concerns closest to wider society is all part of what we want to be. This is an attribute that becomes especially significant in a changing and highly competitive environment. Our influence places us in a stronger position facing new entrants and sets us apart from more conventionally-minded operators; it will bring us quantifiable benefits in many respects. Our willingness to provide service and our commitment to the public make us part of the backbone of wider society. The Group’s strong performance is a reflection of our superb team of professionals, the unflagging and valuable support of the Board and, of course, the confidence placed in the management team by our shareholders | 4 |  LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN ATRESMEDIA  |  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017