
Statement of Profit or Loss of Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. for 2017 (Thousands of euros) 2017 2016 CONTINUING OPERATIONS Revenue 799,712 802,882 Advertising revenue 799,712 802,882 Procurements (457,470) (455,826) Programme amortisation and other (695,387) (682,234) Cost of raw materials and other consumables used (2,118) (2,001) Inventories 240,035 228,409 Other operating income 59,004 49,417 Non-core and other current operating income/Other services 59,004 49,417 Staff costs (45,716) (50,026) Wages, salaries and similar expenses (38,861) (43,503) Employee benefit costs (6,855) (6,523) Other operating expenses (218,366) (214,312) Outside services (217,297) (212,701) Taxes other than income tax (966) (968) Losses on and write-down of trade receivables and changes in provisions for commercial transactions (103) (643) Depreciation and amortisation charge (20,799) (21,254) Excessive provisions 2,597 2,878 Impairment and gains or losses on disposals of non- current assets 23 8 Gains or losses on disposals and other 23 8 PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 118,985 113,767 Finance income 51,528 36,739 From investments in equity instruments 47,639 32,400 - Group companies and associates 47,639 32,400 From marketable securities and other financial instruments 3,889 4,339 - Group companies and associates 3,214 3,798 - Third parties 675 541 Finance costs (7,365) (6,205) On debts to Group companies and associates (513) (588) On debts to third parties (6,852) (5,617) Changes in fair value of financial instruments (13,877) (6,919) Held-for-trading financial assets/liabilities and other (13,877) (6,919) Exchange differences 16,831 7,908 Impairment and gains or losses on disposals of financial instruments (8,044) 11,116 Impairment and other losses (5,934) 9,902 Gains or losses on disposals and other (2,110) 1,214 FINANCIAL PROFIT 39,073 42,639 PROFIT BEFORE TAX 158,058 156,406 Income tax (20,766) (31,917) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 137,292 124,489 | 32 |  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ATRESMEDIA  |  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017