
One of the factors identified in the Master Plan is our Company’s contribution to and impact on the wider community, as part of our Organisation’s commitment of the past decade. Throughout 2017 we reinforced the Compromiso Atresmedia , the initiative that brings together all the Group’s corporate responsibility campaigns ( Ponle Freno , Objetivo Bienestar , Constantes y Vitales , Hazte Eco , Crea Cultura and Tolerancia Cero ): our range of actions go beyond merely raising awareness and achieve real changes in society. Our outward-facing efforts are reflected internally among Atresmedia’s employees, through our initiatives to train our people in road safety and healthy lifestyle choices. In addition, our professionals have dedicated some of their time to working with charities and NGOs through the Corporate Volunteering Programme , which in 2017 completed its first decade, and to Project Th’nk , which supports Group employees’ entrepreneurial ideas: its first year of activity involved a number of initiatives to encourage innovation within the firm. Fundación Atresmedia continued to provide support to hospitalised children, help teach people with disabilities about the audiovisual industry so they can find work, and champion major initiatives for better education, such as ‘Great Teachers’ and ‘Discover Vocational Training’. In 2017, for the sixth year in a row, it led the corporate foundation transparency ranking. Alongside its work for the broader community, the Group has focused on the environment and sustainability, increasing investment in this respect and cutting down on the emissions from our premises. The Group also joined the Environment Cluster hosted by Forética, the leading corporate responsibility forum in Spain. I would also like to highlight the #companies4SDG campaign, which raises awareness of and calls for action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to which Atresmedia is strongly committed. So 2017, despite difficulties and challenges, was an excellent year for the achievement of our aims. It wasn’t easy, but yet again we outperformed the goals we had set ourselves. We are still a leading company in terms of both business and our role in the community, thanks to our strategy and our diverse, high-quality model. Our understanding of the business leads to tangible results, and is perceived positively by the market and society as a whole. We have a clear strategy and are not scared of change. For us, 2017 now lies in the past. Our Organisation will continue to be put to the test throughout 2018. But I am confident that, with our professionals and the support of the Board and shareholders, we shall again achieve all our goals. Our Group is continuosly betting for a more responsible business management and for a strong support to a positive change in the society. That is why in 2017 we reinforced all the Organisation’s corportate responsibility activities through the initiative Compromiso Atresmedia MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER  | 17 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017  |  ATRESMEDIA