Consolidated Annual Accounts 2017

Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. and Subsidiaries Translation of consolidated financial statements originally issued in Spanish and prepared in accordance with the regulatory financial reporting framework applicable to the Group in Spain (see Notes 2 and 29). In the event of discrepancy, the Spanish-language version prevails. 2017 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 50 The Group has payables to suppliers, relating mainly to external production rights denominated in foreign currency, mostly USD, which are recognised at each accounting close using the USD/EUR exchange rate prevailing at that date. Breakdown by maturity in 2017 and 2016: 2017 Thousands of euros 2018 2019 2020 Total Foreign currency payables to suppliers 77,047 18,407 3,614 99,068 2016 Thousands of euros 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Foreign currency payables to suppliers 105,233 31,879 2,716 452 140,280 Note 15 Derivative financial instruments refers to the sensitivity analysis of the balances payable to suppliers in USD in relation to changes in the exchange rate at year-end. The following table presents the disclosures required by Additional Provision Three of Law 15/2010, of 5 July (amended by Final Provision Two of Law 31/2014, of 3 December), prepared in accordance with the Spanish Accounting and Audit Institute (ICAC) Resolution of 29 January 2016 on the disclosures to be included in notes to financial statements in relation to the average period of payment to suppliers in commercial transactions. 2017 2016 Days Days Average supplier payment period 55 54 Ratio of transactions paid 59 63 Ratio of transactions outstanding 38 23 Thousands of euros Thousands of euros Total payments made 664,319 609,192 Total payments outstanding 158,154 181,542 In accordance with the ICAC Resolution, the calculation of the average supplier payment period considered commercial transactions involving the delivery of goods and the rendering of services from the effective date of Law 31/2014, of December 3. For the sole purpose of the disclosures provided for in the Resolution, suppliers are considered to be the trade creditors for the supply of goods or services included in “Payable to suppliers” and “Payable to suppliers - Payable to associates and related parties” under current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. “Average supplier payment period” is the time elapsed between the delivery of the goods or the rendering of the services by the supplier and the actual payment of the transaction.