Consolidated Annual Accounts 2017

Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 49 Of total finance income in 2017, EUR 47,639 thousand related to dividends received by Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. from its subsidiaries (2016: EUR 32,400 thousand) (see Note 8.3). 18.6 Changes in fair value of financial instruments This item in the statement of profit or loss includes mainly the net gain or loss due to the change in fair value of the currency hedges and interest rate swaps (IRSs) detailed in Note 10 and the negative impact arising from the measurement at fair value of the non-current payables to suppliers included under "Other non-current payables" (see Note 14.1. Net gain/(loss) on changes in fair value in 2017 and 2016 by item: Thousands of euros 2017 2016 Hedging instruments (Note 14) (13,714) (6,074) Other non-current liabilities (Note 14) (163) (845) Total (13,877) (6,919) 19.- Related party transactions and balances 19.1 Related party transactions Transactions with related parties in 2017 and 2016 (in thousands of euros): 2017 2016 Group companies Associates Group companies Associates Income 799,720 2,111 802,877 1,711 Purchase and receipt of services 44,872 69,497 37,642 82,961 Accrued interest expenses 513 - 588 - Accrued interest income 3,057 157 3,756 42 Guarantees and deposits (extended and received) 310 - 426 - Dividends received 47,639 - 32,400 - In addition to these transactions, advertising space was sold to and purchased from related companies in 2017 amounting to EUR 1,330 thousand (2016: EUR 1,363 thousand).