Consolidated Annual Accounts 2017

Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación, S.A. 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25 The Company had the following fully depreciated items of property, plant and equipment still in use in 2017 and 2016 (in thousands of euros): Description Gross carrying amount 2017 2016 Plant 91,768 87,289 Computer hardware 21,875 20,876 Buildings 11,151 10,714 Furniture 7,585 7,648 Other property, plant and equipment 372 283 Total 132,751 126,810 The Company's policy is to arrange insurance policies to cover potential risks that could affect its items of property, plant and equipment. At the end of 2017 and 2016, there was no shortage of cover of these risks. 7.- Leases At the end of 2017 and 2016, the Company, as a lessor under operating leases, had annual lease arrangements with certain Group companies for facilities and other minor multi-year lease arrangements with non-Group companies. Since the leased facilities are in the same building as the Company, they are not considered investment property included in the Company’s assets. Income from operating leases in 2017 amounted to EUR 387 thousand (2016: EUR 435 thousand). 8.- Non-current and current investments 8.1 Non-current investments Breakdown of non-current investments at year-end 2017 and 2016 (in thousands of euros): 2017 2016 Financial assets held for trading: Hedging derivatives (Note 10) - 3,149 Available-for-sale financial assets: Measured at cost (Note 19.2) 19,261 13,986 Loans and receivables: Non-current guarantees and deposits 117 117 Total 19,378 17,252 Available-for-sale financial assets includes non-current investments in the equity instruments of companies over which the Company does not exercise significant influence in accordance with Rule for the Preparation of Financial Statements no. 13 since it does not participate in the setting of financial or commercial policies. The net increase in this item relates to the Company's strategy of diversifying the sources of growth other than advertising revenues through investments using the model of broadcasting advertising in exchange for an ownership interest in a company. Key investments include Fintonic Servicios Financieros, S.L., JobToday, S.A., Kzemos Technologies, S.L. and Promofarma Ecom, S.L., which represent a combined 54% of total investment.