Annual Report Remuneration 2017

9 plan. Hence, no risks exist regarding possible changes in the cost of this variable remuneration for the Company. B REMUNERATION POLICY ENVISAGED FOR FUTURE YEARS Abolished. C GLOBAL SUMMARY OF HOW THE REMUNERATION POLICY WAS APPLIED IN THE YEAR ENDED C.1 Summarise the main characteristics of the remuneration structure and items of the remuneration policy applied in the year ended, which generates the details of the individual remuneration accrued by each of the directors reflected in section D of this Report, as well as the decisions taken by the Board regarding the application of such items. In 2017, the directors’ remuneration policy was applied in the terms contained therein with no significant or reportable variations or events taking place. However, as indicated, the approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of a long-term Share-based Variable Remuneration Plan involved the immediate acquisition on the stock market of shares of the Company itself that may be required to comply with the commitments inherent in the Plan.