Annual Report Remuneration 2017

7 A.7 Indicate the conditions that must be met under the contracts of those who perform senior management functions as executive directors. Information will be provided, inter alia, on the duration, indemnity payment limits, permanence clauses, advance notice periods, payment as a substitution of this advance notice period, and any other clauses relating to recruitment premiums, together with indemnity payments or lock-in clauses for the early termination of the contractual relationship between the Company and the executive director. Include, among others, the non-competition, exclusivity, permanence or loyalty-building and post-contractual non-competition arrangements or agreements. Contracts of those exercising senior management duties such as executive directors have an indefinite term. In general, the contracts contained under this heading include adequate clauses to ensure confidentiality in the handling of information and the exclusivity of directors in the performance of their professional activities. Such contracts also include, where appropriate, all or some of the following obligations: 1. A mutual advance notice period in the event of early voluntary termination of the contract. This period will be a minimum of two months, with a penalty equivalent to the proportional remuneration corresponding in the event of non-compliance. 2. Variable remuneration in cash, tied to permanence at the Company. 3. Variable remuneration in cash, tied to the obtainment of Atresmedia’s financial earnings. 4. A commitment by the director to return any amount received as variable remuneration if, ultimately and for any reason, it is clearly accredited that the data used to calculate and pay such remuneration was inaccurate. 5. A post-contractual non-competition clause for a one-year period following termination of the contract. 6. Long-term variable remuneration based on the delivery of own shares. When executive directors are hired, indemnity clauses may be stipulated, applicable during the first two years in which the contract is in force and only in the event of a unilateral and unfair termination by the Company. The maximum limit of such indemnity payment will be one year's full salary. Indemnity clauses may also be stipulated in the event of a change in the Group's controlling shareholder, with a maximum indemnity payment equivalent to one year’s full pay of the director. A.8 Explain any supplementary remuneration paid to directors as consideration for the services provided other than those inherent to their position. Table D.1 includes the remuneration received by directors who perform additional professional duties or activities for the Company, other than those required of a director. A.9 Indicate any remuneration in the form of advances, credits and guarantees granted, indicating the type of interest, its essential characteristics and the amounts possibly refunded, together with the obligations assumed on their behalf by way of security. There is no remuneration of this kind. A.10 Explain the main characteristics of payments in kind. In the same way as other Group executives, the CEO benefits from a vehicle rental contract, whose cost of €3 thousand in 2017, was included under section D.1. i) as “Other items”. Certain executive directors are covered by life insurance and health insurance policies, the cost of which depends on the number of family members considered to be beneficiaries. The total cost in this connection in 2017 amounted to €51 thousand, of which €17 thousand relate to the life insurance premiums as detailed in section D.1 a) iv of this Report, and €34 thousand related to health insurance premiums.