Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

60 H FURTHER INFORMATION 1. Outline any relevant issue with respect to corporate governance at the company or at group entities not included in other sections of this report, but required so as to set out more complete and properly founded information on the entity or group’s governance practices and structure. On section A.2. UFA FILM UND FERNSEH GMBH, a direct shareholder of ATRESMEDIA CORPORACIÓN, is controlled by BERTELSMANN, A.G. through its subsidiary RTL GROUP, S.A. within the meaning of article 4 of the Ley del Mercado de Valores , Spain’s statute on the securities market (“Securities Market Act”). PLANETA CORPORACIÓN controls GRUPO PLANETA- DE AGOSTINI, S.L. within the meaning of article 5 of the Securities Market Act, and the latter company in turn owns 100% of shares in GRUPO PASA CARTERA, S.A.U. 2. This section may also include any other disclosure, clarification or qualification in relation to the previous sections of the report, insofar as they are significant and not repeated. Specifically, indicate whether the company is subject to legislation other than Spanish legislation in the area of corporate governance and, where appropriate, include the information that must be provided that is different from that required in this report. The information relating to sections E.1 and E.5 is set out in further detail in the appendix to section H within this report. The Company may also indicate whether it has voluntarily complied with other codes of ethical principles or good practices, be they international, sectoral or of another scope. Where appropriate, the code in question will be identified, together with the compliance date. In particular, state whether the Company has complied with the Best Tax Practices Code, of 20 July 2010. ATRES ADVERTISING, S.L.U., a Group company that markets advertising in all its media (television, radio and digital) is a member of Autocontrol (Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Notices), which has entered into numerous agreements with government authorities and with sectoral organisations, which are adhered to and applied by its shareholders. The subject matter and date of the agreements are disclosed on that entity’s website ( The Company does not comply with the Código de Buenas Prácticas Tributarias (code of best practice in tax matters) but it has a Corporate Tax Policy that has been approved by the Board of Directors and a Procedural Protocol regarding Particularly Significant Tax Transactions, approved by the Compliance Committee, which includes the best tax practices and principles applied by Atresmedia in this area. This Annual Corporate Governance Report was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at its meeting of 28 February 2018. Indicate whether any directors have voted against or abstained with respect to the approval of this Report. Yes  No X