Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

6 A.12 Indicate whether the company has issued securities that are not traded on an organised exchange within the European Union. Yes  No X If there are different share classes, identify each share class and describe the rights and obligations attaching to it. B GENERAL MEETING B.1 Disclose any difference with respect to the Spanish Companies Act as to quorum requirements for the general meeting to be validly constituted. Yes  No X B.2 Disclose any difference with respect to the Spanish Companies Act as to adoption of company resolutions. Yes  No X B.3 Disclose the rules on alteration of the Company’s articles. Specify the majorities required for alteration of the Company’s articles and any rules safeguarding shareholders’ rights on the occasion of such alteration. . The Company’s articles may be altered only at the General Meeting (item 19 of the Company’s articles). Alteration of the articles is governed by the Spanish Companies Act only; no special terms have been introduced. The Spanish Companies Act imposes these requirements for alteration:  The directors or shareholders proposing the alteration must submit a paper stating the reasons for it.  The notice convening the relevant general meeting must clearly state what is to be altered.  The notice of meeting must make reference to the right of any shareholder to inspect, at the registered office, the full text of the proposed alteration and the statement of reasons for it, and to demand that such documents be delivered to him or her free of charge.  The resolution must be passed at the general meeting in accordance with articles 194 and 201 of the Spanish Companies Act. The resolution must be memorialised in a notarial act in public form, which in turn must be entered in the Registro Mercantil, Spain’s Mercantile Register. After registration, the resolution will be published in the Boletín Oficial del Registro Mercantil, the gazette of the Mercantile Register. B.4 Disclose the figures on attendance at general meetings held this year and in the previous year: Date of general meeting % physical presence % present by proxy % remote voting Total Electronic voting Other 19/04/2017 0.04 61.05 0.00 18.71 79.8 B.5 Disclose any restriction under the company’s articles of association as to the minimum number of shares that must be held to attract entitlement to attend a general meeting: Yes X No  Number of shares required to attend a general meeting 400