Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

57 52. The terms of reference of supervision and control committees should be set out in the board of directors regulations and aligned with those governing legally mandatory board committees as specified in the preceding sets of recommendations. They should include at least the following terms: a) Committees should be formed exclusively by non-executive directors, with a majority of independents. b) They should be chaired by independent directors. c) The board should appoint the members of such committees with regard to the knowledge, skills and experience of its directors and each committee’s terms of reference; discuss their proposals and reports; and provide report-backs on their activities and work at the first board plenary following each committee meeting. d) They may engage external advice, when they feel it necessary for the discharge of their functions. e) Meeting proceedings should be minuted and a copy made available to all board members. Not applicable. 53. The task of supervising compliance with corporate governance rules, internal codes of conduct and corporate social responsibility policy should be assigned to one board committee or split between several, which could be the audit committee, the nomination committee, the corporate social responsibility committee, where one exists, or a dedicated committee established ad hoc by the board under its powers of self-organisation, with at the least the following functions: a) Monitor compliance with the company’s internal codes of conduct and corporate governance rules. b) Oversee the communication and relations strategy with shareholders and investors, including small and medium-sized shareholders. c) Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s corporate governance system, to confirm that it is fulfilling its mission to promote the corporate interest and catering, as appropriate, to the legitimate interests of remaining stakeholders. d) Review the company’s corporate social responsibility policy, ensuring that it is geared to value creation. e) Monitor corporate social responsibility strategy and practices and assess compliance in their respect. f) Monitor and evaluate the company’s interaction with its stakeholder groups. g) Evaluate all aspects of the non-financial risks the company is exposed to, including operational, technological, legal, social, environmental, political and reputational risks. h) Coordinate non-financial and diversity reporting processes in accordance with applicable legislation and international benchmarks. Complies. 54. The corporate social responsibility policy should state the principles or commitments the company will voluntarily adhere to in its dealings with stakeholder groups, specifying at least: a) The goals of its corporate social responsibility policy and the support instruments to be deployed. b) The corporate strategy with regard to sustainability, the environment and social issues. c) Concrete practices in matters relative to: shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, social welfare issues, the environment, diversity, fiscal responsibility, respect for human rights and the prevention of illegal conduct.