Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

56 d) The internal control and reporting systems to be used to control and manage the above risks, including contingent liabilities and off-balance sheet risks. Complies. 46. Companies should establish a risk control and management function in the charge of one of the company’s internal department or units and under the direct supervision of the audit committee or some other dedicated board committee. This function should be expressly charged with the following responsibilities: a) Ensure that risk control and management systems are functioning correctly and, specifically, that major risks the company is exposed to are correctly identified, managed and quantified. b) Participate actively in the preparation of risk strategies and in key decisions about their management. c) Ensure that risk control and management systems are mitigating risks effectively in the frame of the policy drawn up by the board of directors. Complies. 47. Appointees to the nomination and remuneration committee – or of the nomination committee and remuneration committee, if separately constituted – should have the right balance of knowledge, skills and experience for the functions they are called on to discharge. The majority of their members should be independent directors. Complies. 48. Large cap companies should operate separately constituted nomination and remuneration committees. Not applicable. 49. The nomination committee should consult with the company’s chairman and chief executive, especially on matters relating to executive directors. When there are vacancies on the board, any director may approach the nomination committee to propose candidates that it might consider suitable. Complies. 50. The remuneration committee should operate independently and have the following functions in addition to those assigned by law: a) Propose to the board the standard conditions for senior officer contracts. b) Monitor compliance with the remuneration policy set by the company. c) Periodically review the remuneration policy for directors and senior officers, including share- based remuneration systems and their application, and ensure that their individual compensation is proportionate to the amounts paid to other directors and senior officers in the company. d) Ensure that conflicts of interest do not undermine the independence of any external advice the committee engages. e) Verify the information on director and senior officers’ pay contained in corporate documents, including the annual directors’ remuneration statement. Complies. 51. The remuneration committee should consult with the company’s chairman and chief executive, especially on matters relating to executive directors and senior officers. Complies.