Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

51 The results of the prior analysis of board needs should be written up in the nomination committee’s explanatory report, to be published when the general meeting is convened that will ratify the appointment and re-election of each director. The director selection policy should pursue the goal of having at least 30% of total board places occupied by women directors before the year 2020. The nomination committee should run an annual check on compliance with the director selection policy and set out its findings in the annual corporate governance report. Complies. 15. Proprietary and independent directors should constitute an ample majority on the board of directors, while the number of executive directors should be the minimum practical bearing in mind the complexity of the corporate group and the ownership interests they control. Complies. 16. The percentage of proprietary directors out of all non-executive directors should be no greater than the proportion between the ownership stake of the shareholders they represent and the remainder of the company’s capital. This criterion can be relaxed: a) In large cap companies where few or no equity stakes attain the legal threshold for significant shareholdings. b) In companies with a plurality of shareholders represented on the board but not otherwise related. Complies. 17. Independent directors should be at least half of all board members. However, when the company does not have a large market capitalisation, or when a large cap company has shareholders individually or concertedly controlling over 30 percent of capital, independent directors should occupy, at least, a third of board places. Explain. The Company is in the situation referred to in the second paragraph of the Recommendation: there is one shareholder who controls over 30% of capital on a stable basis. The Company’s policy on appointment of directors - devised by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and endorsed by the Board - is aimed at gradually increasing the number of independent directors, having regard to the current rules of substantive law and the Recommendations under the Code. 18. Companies should disclose the following director particulars on their websites and keep them regularly updated: a) Background and professional experience. b) Directorships held in other companies, listed or otherwise, and other paid activities they engage in, of whatever nature. c) Statement of the director class to which they belong, in the case of proprietary directors indicating the shareholder they represent or have links with. d) Dates of their first appointment as a board member and subsequent re-elections. e) Shares held in the company, and any options on the same. Complies.