Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

43 The Whistleblowing Channel can also be used if irregularities are detected in financial reporting processes or significant weaknesses come to light in the Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICFR) system, or to report discrimination or workplace or sexual harassment or any other form of conduct that is illegal or otherwise contrary to the policies and values of Atresmedia. The Compliance Committee is the collegial body responsible for managing the channel. • The Chief Compliance Officer and Chairman of the Compliance Committee, who is a duly qualified professional, with professional experience and prestige, and independent from the Group’s hierarchical and executive structure. This position is currently held by Pedro Ramón y Cajal Agüeras. • Head of Corporate Affairs • Chief Financial Officer • Chief Audit Executive • Head of Legal Affairs • Head of Regulatory Affairs and Institutional Relations The Whistleblowing Channel is monitored on an operational basis by the Chief Compliance Officer and by the Compliance Officer for Crime Prevention on a joint basis. The Compliance Committee must report regularly to the Audit and Control Committee on issues identified and investigated by means of the Whistleblowing Channel.  Regular training and skills update programmes for employees involved in producing and reviewing financial reporting and ICFR assessment, at least covering accounting standards, auditing, internal control and risk management. The Atresmedia Group regularly provides the employees involved in the preparation and review of financial reporting with the necessary training for the proper performance of their duties through a series of training schemes designed for this purpose. All employee training plans are integrated within the Atresmedia Group’s Training Plan, which is prepared and reviewed annually by Human Resources, based on the general training objectives defined at Group level by each organisational area/business unit, depending on the specific training requests and needs identified. On an annual basis the Finance Department staff members in charge of financial reporting and ICFR assessment undertake fresh training in accounting practices and standards, new developments in tax regulations, and risks and controls. Regular communication actions are carried out facing all employees on new developments and matters of interest in connection with the Risk Management and Control System and the Compliance and Crime Prevention Model. F.2 Financial reporting risk management Disclose at least: The main features of the risk identification process, including risks of misstatement or fraud, as to: Whether such a process exists and has been documented. The Atresmedia Group has in place a risk identification system and a system of related controls throughout the entire process of financial information production and reporting. The Group thus has review mechanisms in place that reduce the risk that financial information is misstated to the market. Consequently, a process does exist to identify reporting errors or fraud, but it is established with regard to each of the processes related with the Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICFR) system. In this regard, all the processes that may have an effect on any of the Group’s financial statement items were identified, establishing a scale of impacts for the most