Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

41 F.1.2. Especially in relation to the financial reporting process, disclose whether the following elements are in place:  Departments and/or mechanisms responsible for: (i) design and review of the organisational structure; (ii) clear definition of the lines of responsibility and authority, with an adequate distribution of tasks and functions; and (iii) adequate procedures for their correct implementation at the entity. The organisational structure of the Atresmedia Group is proposed by the CEO when it affects the first executive level, and is approved by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. Senior officers and the heads of each organisational unit/business unit define the organisation of the remaining executive levels and resources of each unit, in coordination with the Group’s Corporate Management (Human Resources area). The lines of authority of the Atresmedia Group in the different processes for the preparation of financial reporting are shown in the organisation chart of the Group, as are the different organisational areas/business units. The main responsibility for financial reporting rests with the Finance Department of the media Group, which is structured as follows: Accounting, Administration and Consolidation Management Control Cash Management, Billing and Collections Investor Relations The Internal Audit and Process Control and Legal Advisory areas are responsible for defining the main processes, protocols and procedural steps at the Atresmedia Group, and for notifying them, subject to the supervision and approval of the Compliance Committee, to the whole organisation for compliance. The organisational changes and, where appropriate, new employee recruitments at top executive level are notified by Corporate Management to the whole organisation through specific email notices.  Code of Conduct, approval body, degree of implementation and instruction, principles and values included (indicate whether specific mention is made of recording transactions and financial reporting), and body entrusted with analysing breaches and proposing corrective and disciplinary measures. The Code of Conduct forms part of Atresmedia’s corporate responsibility and good governance policies, whose determination and ultimate oversight rest with Atresmedia’s Board of Directors. The Atresmedia Group’s Code of Conduct was approved by the Board, after review by the Compliance Committee and the Audit and Control Committee. The Board of Directors is responsible for directing and supervising all matters related to effective compliance with this code, as well as for the obligation to adopt and implement the measures that may be necessary to align the Code with the rest of the regulatory and procedural elements of corporate governance, with which it shares the same values and objectives. The Code of Conduct contains the general guidelines that should be followed by all Atresmedia employees relating to basic principles of behaviour, relations with and between employees, internal control and prevention of fraud and commitment to the market, the Company and the community. With respect to the preparation and publication of financial reporting, article 7.4.3 of the Code of Conduct stipulates Atresmedia’s undertaking to provide information transparency, understood as a commitment to transmit reliable information to markets and to the Company, which enables them to form a true and fair view of its activities, strategy and economic, social and environmental