Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

11 Number of directors % total directors in each class Year 2017 2016 2015 2014 Year 2017 2016 2015 2014 Executive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proprietary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Independent 4 4 3 2 100 100 100 66.6 Other non- executive - - - - - - - - Total: 4 4 3 2 30.77 30.77 25 15.38 C.1.5 Describe any steps taken to recruit to the board a number of women that would lead to a balanced presence of women and men. Description of measures The Appointments and Remuneration Committee set itself the goal of supporting the recruitment of women directors over the medium term in accordance with Recommendation 14 of the Good Governance Code. This goal was reflected in the director selection policy adopted by the Board in 2015, which set a target of 30% of the board being women directors by 2020. In 2016, a new independent woman director was appointed to the Board. Hence, by year-end, women directors account for 30.8% of the Board, and the director selection policy target was achieved ahead of schedule. The Company will continue to apply the policy so that selection procedures do not obstruct the appointment of women directors and qualified women candidates are properly included. No new director was appointed in 2017. C.1.6 Describe any steps taken by the appointments committee to ensure that selection procedures are not vitiated by any implicit bias against women directors. Indicate whether the company deliberately searches for and shortlists women who fit the desired professional profile: Description of measures The Appointments and Remuneration Committee ensures that Atresmedia’s selection procedures are not vitiated by implicit biases that might involve any form of discrimination and, specifically, obstruct the selection of women directors. The Committee must report to the Board on any gender diversity issue that may arise in the process of selecting new directors. No such issue has arisen so far. The latest selection was carried out in 2016 with the assistance of an external consultant. If, despite any steps taken, there are no or very few women directors, state reasons: Not applicable. C.1.6 bis Set out the conclusions of the appointments committee on verification of compliance with the director selection policy. Specifically, explain how the policy supports the goal of having at least 30% of directorships being held by women by 2020. Royal Decree-Law 18/2007 of 24 November on non-financial reporting and diversity amended article 540 of the Spanish Companies Act to widen the scope of the corporate governance statement as to director selection policy: description, goals, steps taken for implementation by the appointments and remuneration committee and by the board, and outcome in the reporting period. The main goal of the policy now active at Atresmedia is that the make-up of the Board should bring together a range of different perspectives. This is decisive for shaping the optimal structure of the Board and create the best fit with the specific requirements of the company, with statutory requirements, with the company’s own rules, and with corporate governance standards and