Annual Corporate Governance Report 2017

10 Today, she is a managing director at JP Morgan International Ltd, where she joined the Spanish office in 2010 to bolster the private banking business, having formerly worked at JP Morgan’s capital markets division in London (1993-1996). She is a member of the board of Foment del Treball. Name / company name of director Mónica Ribé Salat Profile She holds a degree in law from the Universidad de Barcelona and a master’s degree in marketing from ESADE. A qualified insurance broker, she is now reading for a degree in business science at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She has completed several postgraduate programmes, including insurance management at Universidad Pompeu Fabra and BHPB (Building a High Performance Board) at IESE. She has more than 25 years of experience in the insurance industry. She is the CEO of Ribé y Salat, the third largest insurance broker in Spain, a director at CBP Solutions Spain and a director and secretary to the board at CBP Protección de Pagos. In the economic and social domain, she is a member of the board of ADECOSE, the Spanish association of insurance brokers. She is a member of YPO – Young President’s Organisation, a mentor at Mujeres con Impacto (Fundación Ship2B) and a trustee of the Fundació Catalana de l’Esport. Total number of independent non-executive directors 4 % total board 30.77 Identify any director classed as independent who receives from the company or a group company any payment or benefit other than remuneration as a director or who in the year has engaged in business relations with the company or a group company on his/her own behalf or as a significant shareholder, director or senior executive of an entity engaging in that relationship. Identify the rest of non-executive directors and state the reasons why they cannot be treated as proprietary or independent, and disclose any relations with the company, its executives or its shareholders: Name / company name of director Reasons Committee reporting on or proposing the appointment - - - Total number of other non-executive directors - % total board - Report any changes arising in the year in the classification of each director: Name / company name of director Date of change Previous status Current status Maurizio Carlotti 17/07/2017 Executive Other non- executive C.1.4 Complete the table below on the number of women directors sitting on the board over the past four years, and their classification: