Last Saturday, the Atresmedia volunteers attended the facilities of the National Association of Friends of Animals (ANAA) to learn about their work and help them in the different tasks they carry out. The activity was part of the Atresmedia Corporate Volunteer Program, and counted with the participation of 28 volunteers. The activity had three phases:
First, ANAA professionals gave an awareness talk so that the volunteers knew how the center works. They were given qualitative and quantitative data on the impact of their activity, the importance of the role of volunteers in the shelter, the number of animals they care for each year and what are the main causes of animal abandonment.
To continue the day, the volunteers visited the facilities, the association's veterinary center and the places where dogs, cats and other abandoned animals such as Vietnamese pigs, rabbits, roosters, chickens, a calf and a goat live. Through this visit they were able to understand in a global way all the work carried out by the ANAA animal shelter and its volunteers to care for and find a home for the abandoned animals they rescue.
Finally, the Atresmedia volunteers got to work on different tasks: cleaning the dog and cat facilities; conditioning of the pig stable; organizing the food storage and blankets; cleaning of carriers and cages...
Atresmedia will sponsor two animals for a whole year and the volunteers were in charge of choosing their names. They are Tiramisú and Luismichi:

National Friends of Animals Association (ANAA)
The National Friends of Animals Association (ANAA) is a non-profit organization that was founded in Madrid (Spain) in 1992, in response to the high number of animals that are abandoned and mistreated in Spain and the poor care they receive.
Since 1992, ANAA has rescued more than 25,000 dogs and cats from the streets, of which 75% have found a home. The center also has a veterinary clinic that allocates 100% of its profits to the abandoned animals they rescue.